
I'll test it out. I have a horrible memory. I can't even remember 90% of things until you tell me and I can't remember how I felt at any time in the past.

If in Walmart they instead based your salary based on how many people you supported and your position that seems to be much more concrete than "Stephanie, he has a family and two kids to support"

I think you're equating misogyny to different, which is wrong. Equal but different is a concept that can work, and while I do advocate much the same that most feminists do, I strongly believe in my religion, and yes, I think I will die for it, but I'm not forcing it upon someone else. I'm going to give my children my

Some basic geometry: Squares can be inscribed in circles.

Thanks to everyone, but the thing with me is that I don't feel violated or uncomfortable as much as confused. My nature is that I'm very open with everyone, even if I don't know them, so I'm fine with most things. My only quarrel was that I don't know how to act in such social situations

Well in my case, I had "refound" my religion in a way, because I stopped believing for a period and then I started to believe it again.


I use emoticons in texting and on facebook...

So...this is probably not worth asking, but how should you react when a random person slaps your ass? I mean, I have no idea. Friends have done it and then we say something stupid and that's it, but the other day some girl who I did not know slapped my ass (but does go to my school) and I was just left there wondering

I see. I've never touched alcohol in my life so when someone says black out I assume passed out.

Ugh, I wrote assertion and then firefox thought it was a mispelling.

No, you aren't right. You don't know about Islam or Muslims, and your dissertation of women being "indentured servants to pop out babies" is offensive, bias, discriminatory, and inaccurate. When you start to learn about something other than what you read about "those horrible baby eating Muslims" come talk to me, seem to love them.

Er,I have one question. Why is that when the situation that Bristol explains, (the situation is rape) then people here are saying "allegedly" and etc, whereas any other woman not a Palin who accuses some of rape is automatically assumed to be the correct side?

Er, the bill is still 1 vote away from legalizing gay marriage...

My brother just tried a few them....they didn't work.

As uncomfortable as it is for me to say this, a penis lengthen before rising, so that it is longer than when flacid but not yet pointing up.

Well, to be fair, playing video games doesn't restrict having a mental disease. Back when I was 8, I was suicidal and video games were basically my only escape from reality.

If you're competitive and in highschool going for an Ivy League, it's typical.

That's quite an immature way to put it. Unless there's some sarcasm in there that i can't read