
Who's John Galliano?

This really is the scariest thing when thinking about the digitization of the world today.

What's up with all these harsh laws for internet use that doesn't really harm anyone nowadays?

One of my best friends lost his virginity at 12 and has told me that he regrets it. Then again, he's also a romantic in some ways, so that could account for it.

I don't believe so. While I don't believe that in today's age that sex should be for reproductive purposes only, they shouldn't have it as soon as they feel ready. I've felt "ready" since I was 12, but you can bet that I wouldn't have had a healthy attitude about it, and that being said, while sex is a pleasurable

Except that isn't a religious belief. Genital mutilation is not any part of Islam (except for male circumcision) and oh guess what, I am African, I don't know a single female who was mutilated. Go educate yourself, please.

I'm going to ignore most of your post but, there should be a "Life is coed" shirt. It's such a great slogan.

It's not even that's it's offensive as much as the fact that Full House and HIMYM are both ruined for me now.

As in, "That man with the necklace is a homosexual"

Why would you ruin Bob Saget for me?!

I can relate.

My mom still thinks that necklaces on men are gay. And she's not even Iranian.

I know. I still found quite a bit of pleasure in writing that.

Here's what I dislike about everyone who says, "Go write a novel then." It doesn't work that way. Novels rarely get attention and it's never as widely available as a blog. And the blog was written in a way that catered to the West's idea of what a female, lesbian, Syrian should be like and how things happen. The blog

"You know, it's just like how even the least anti-Semitic among us occasionally have a bit too much to drink and declare the Jews are responsible for every war, ever."

Obviously the only solution is to marry a guy who can't function without you.

Except, these people aren't thinking critically nor giving us reason to believe them. How did he put them in danger? Did the Syrian police suddenly get swing that, "Oh my, there are LGBT bloggers in our country". No. They knew that before. Oh and the "voice" that LGBT bloggers in the Middle East have? It's

Maybe it isn't ethical, but naming it stealing or plagiarizing is definitely overdoing it. This is a picture you put as an avater, he passed it off as himself, but he never said, "I'm Jelena Lecic and I'm an Arab Lesbian". He added a different name, and then passed that of as an identity. He never put it as an

From what I've read about the US having a part in this, all it says is that they can't confirm that she is a citizen, so they searched for it in an embassy but can't really come up with tangible proof.

Whose real time and energy? I bet you 99.9% of it was simply people online asking what happened to her. And whose resources would be used on the Middle East? If this guy didn't make this up, no one would be thinking about it right now, because, and I know this is strange, no on really gives a shit about the Middle