mohamedzv2001-old's kind of true. Juniors in highschool or juniors in college will prey on freshies. male juniors*

Maybe as an adolescent I'm biased, but this doesn't accurately reflect much in my experience. In school they teach us .gov or .org is more accurate but honestly, just about anyone I meet will be fine reading anything online and believing it.

there is a add-on that lets you use speed dial like pages for new tabs

Using Panorama feels a bit shroomy to me. I have no better word to describe it. I use it, and it completely blows my mind that it's basically gone yet you can still access it. I have no idea why.

On Windows 7 it takes the place of the title bar

Eurocentric much? For the longest time, the Middle East had more events than any other place in history and from around 600-1600 or so, the Islamic Empire and Mongolia were a heck of a lot more civilized and eventful than Europe.

of course they are two different things but the SATs are widely accepted whether they are useful or not, and the reason for school is to get a job, so if you're getting a job based on your education, then schools should teach the SAT material to get into a good college. Or things about life which let you get a good

Was linked to this article and despite the comment being old, let's say something here:

And he's a URM too!

Here's what to do:

"I will eat my hat on the day that we see an op-ed piece from a father to his son about how he regrets sleeping with so many women before marrying the boy's mother and how our nation's boys are being raised to be an army of sluts."

Oh, I see. Sorry, that was a misunderstanding on my part.

I'd just like to what situations have women in this day and age agreed to go on a date to seem like people rather than objects? As far as I've seen, the only reason why women say yes to someone they don't like is because they feel sorry for the guy.

My reaction wasn't to the article, it was to the others down there.

Honestly, I don't see anywhere where I said that we should all make comments on other people's weight.

I don't believe in diets myself. I've read enough about weight during my struggle (I used to be obese back in I think 4th grade) and then as I grew, I lost weight, then while doing football I gained 15 pounds (in heaven knows what) and now I've trying (unsuccessfully) to lose weight. So yeah, i get diets don't work,

I just have to say this, during WWII, there was no Israel. WWII ended in 1945, Israel was established in 1948.

I didn't miss the point of the article, but there were several comments about their own weights and their experiences being "fat". Why is it that when it's against your point of view, I'm suddenly a troll? I didn't go around saying, "ALL FAT PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DIE BECAUSE THEY ARE GONNA GET DIABETES AND HEART

You're telling me to shut it, correct? Well there you go, I said that fat people are unhealthy, but did I say that every single overweight woman is fat? No. I said that we should enforce values that show what a normal weight is. And that is true. If you're obese, there's a significant chance for illness with obesity,

Maybe it's just me, but being fat is bad. Sure society makes those who are fat feel like crap, but being fat is incredibly unhealthy. It's more dangerous than smoking, and if I remember correctly, obesity is the leading disease that is preventable.