
Maybe it's just me, but there are too many variables to declare that the sick-day gapes are a race or gender issue. It'd make much more sense that since more white men are top executives and owners of small-businesses, etc. they have the luxury of not even needed to come in whenever so they have that while women and

This is ridiculous. Grade school is unimportant. You're really getting more education being homeschooled than any private elementary school will give you. Now, when it comes to high school and perhaps middle school, things get a bit more complicated, but at preschool? You don't even know what intelligence she may or

Ooh, cross-post with Jezebel. I have a star on here but commented through there and wanted to get the hypocrisy across.

Honestly, I'd expect more from people who keep saying they are being abused. Well, there you go, they're abusing people right there. This crap is as bad as misogyny.

Am I the only noticing that a good portion of these comments are racist as hell?

Being a teenager, literally every girl that knows I have chest hair (I have more than a lot of fully developed men) has to me to shave it because it's disgusting.

Being a teenager, literally every girl that knows I have chest hair (I have more than a lot of fully developed men) has to me to shave it because it's disgusting.

So many people here hate holidays. Like, wow. I for one, love holidays. They give me a reason to be upbeat and cheery. They're a lot of fun too.

I'm about a month late on this but, according to one theory, I believe it was called the Bystander Effect or something to that extent, but basically, the more people there are, the more everyone watching is going to not do anything because they think someone else will.

I don't see how being self aware and feminist makes you a hypocrite. It's natural to be embarrassed at times. I know it's not just women who are embarrassed about their bodies so yeah, the two things aren't mutually exclusive.

Cool, you can do that, I'll just refuse to argue with someone as patronizing as you and has a massive victim complex.

But I kinda am. Considering that I have green eyes, have this skin tone: []

Well great for you! You have successfully managed to bitch out a stranger for no good reason. Thanks.

Why are you assuming that I'm saying that? I'm providing insight about why he said those statements, which from previous comments, seems needed.

That really doesn't change how it is, and yes, it's true, as a white and a male, I don't have any advantages.

Um, I don't know about you, but that's hardly bashing. Saying it wasn't that good is right about the nicest a lot of people will say if they truly don't like a speech. Hell, a lot of people will say that it sucks blatantly.

I think that people are looking over something here. We men do have egos, and when we feel we are accomplished, we tend to want others to believe so too. That's why he said he didn't think it was so good, he probably thought it was or maybe he didn't, but noway in hell would he admit that he liked it when he's trying

Wait...what? Being a white male makes you privileged? It certainly does not. I'm a white male, no where have I ever been privileged over anyone else.

Same with my current highschool.

No. Not smart enough. Salutorian is still pretty obvious if he's generally a C student. If he gets the occasional B+ or A-, then it makes more sense.