Mohamed Ashraf

the vid on the website is exactly as described with only a few seconds of product and then just images of smiling people roads and landmarks. its so dumb I watched till the end just to see if there is any more product. I dont think these would take of at all. the quality isnt even good and it almost falls off in the

its simple math the kind they teach in elementary school just multiply each digit and add the each column. its easier to just use numbers than dots

do you guys hash the passwords or do you encrypt them I mean is it one way or two way. because if it was just hashing then my password is pretty darn strong. also do you salt in the username or something

@Nitesh: lol is all I can say

that just going to leed to more midnight calls from my parents why their printer is not working. please just stop this before it gets out of hand otherwise we are all doomed

firefox takes so much memory how come theirs dont

#gizmodolovesyou they are so smart they force you to viral market. Be careful "If you are not paying for the product you are the product"

so anyone can create a see through camera and there goes privacy...

@Jakooboo- THE DRUMS!: never really got the idea so didnt really like it however it was the first thing that came to mind when I read this

life is one damn thing after the other.

to tell you the truth and regardless of criticism I dont really care how bad the animals are treated as long as they look and taste good and cost less. anyway its the consumers us which cause these not the companies. they are trying to survive in the competitive market and we only buy the least expensive regardless of

not too bad but isnt it time to start fussing about iphone 5 the year is almost over

I have a question do they have real computers with windows installed attached to the device with custom software running atop the operating system or do they just have a screen connected to the scanner.

@KBlack: its not steering its banking the road makes the car automaticaly steer its in real roads it just means the game has a good physics engin and a good level designer but horrible everything else.

in Egyptian and in most large streets they use real counters with seconds which is a better indicator than visual

@Jonathan Reese: Yeah i noticed but I couldnt get this clean view but saw right after the second paragraph. they are all lorem ipsum

an easy way to fix the facebook problem is delete the account and make a new one with a new email and only befirend good guys thus you can reshape your profile