Uch, this is horrible. I don’t understand it. The shock -- the shock! -- must be too much to bear for her family and friends. All strength to them.
Uch, this is horrible. I don’t understand it. The shock -- the shock! -- must be too much to bear for her family and friends. All strength to them.
Gone way too soon. She was such a poised and passionate warrior. There are some women who you come across and you’re proud their on your team. She was undeniably one of them.
“Did you see us?” called a mysterious and haunting chorus behind me while I was walking down the street. I was…
Huge fan, but c’mon, Daveed Diggs needs a shout out.
Daveed Diggs is fucking brilliant. I’m #teamBurr, but Diggs just steals every scene he’s in.
Daveed Diggs stole that entire show. He was great as quirky third man Lafayette but when he came out as Jefferson....no one could touch him.
Agreed on Guns and Ships. The pace at which Daveed raps while using his french accent and dancing all over the stage is incredible. My favorite overall performance is Satisfied though, for the reasons the author already mentions, and listening to Leslie sing Wait For It and Phillipa sing Burn will never get old.…
Daveed Diggs is just fucking amazing in that show. Both his Lafayette and Jefferson are so charismatic, and his raps and flows are majestic. But yeah, I was always big on Satisfied (having only listened to the cast album) but seeing her do it in the filmed version makes it even more powerful.
I’ve got my issues with Lin-Manuel Miranda and his particular brand of relentlessly cloying positivity that he defines himself by online it seems, and I wasn’t that enthusiastic to revisit Hamilton when my mother wanted to watch it with me recently.
Yeah, it’s definitely between those two. Roxane Gay on Twitter said Leslie Odom Jr. put his whole foot in that performance and I can’t agree more.
To your UNION!
It’s Theater Kids Rap (tm) that Miranda excels at, which will never fail to make a theater full of white Theater Kids loses their minds.
I’ve watched it 3 times since the July 3, the entire thing was fantastic. I wanted to see it but I was not going to part with $350!!! for a seat, that’s airfare somewhere. That guy who plays Hercules Mulligan though..... Hello fine Sir.........
I’m REALLY concerned that Gelman thinks The Wing is “long overdue” for an “era of change” around racism. The Wing has existed for LESS THAN FOUR YEARS, how could they possibly be overdue for any kind of new era? I saw that and said “nope, not worth it, burn it all down” because clearly the foundation was bad to begin…
This company and so many others owe their employees and members more accountability and improvement. These types of problems were clearly articulated a while ago and they did nothing to solve it. And honestly when companies use NDAs to cover up things like this they make it even worse.
I thought about them when everything started going down because it's not exactly a secret that they have been a safe space for white feminist women, as evidenced in this excellent piece. I actually follow an "influencer" that works/worked(?) at the London one. I never really knew what if any job she had & just figured…