Serious Dad

The planet will definitely exist as a large rock orbiting the sun. Whether it is capable of sustaining life is another thing entirely.

I often wonder what laws we are passing today that will be viewed by our descendants in the same light. Just as people 150 years ago seem hopelessly backward in our “modern” and “enlightened” age, it is important to remember that we will seem like drooling simpletons in the 2250s.

Unless something crazy happens, a straight electric is just not practical for long journeys.  Not enough range, takes too long to recharge.  I have a 650 very rural miles to drive next week.... there's stretches without cell service.  Darn sure no charging stations...

Maybe in theory, but they also tend to be fairly reliable despite the complexity. The brakes last forever due to regen braking. Transmission and ICE engines tend to be under low stress due to the torque of the electric engines helping out. Electric drivetrain components are fairly simple.  A lot of old Prius and

Anyone going to the 'ring now needs to wrap thier car in camo to confuse photogs

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Alfa Romeo Busso 3.2 GTA. Or an Autodelta 3.7 or OK Tech 3.9.

I really don't think it would be that hard.  Release the battery, lift the shell, drop the body over the battery, lock in battery.   

any excuse to post some images of my favorite car will do!

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But only the Oldsmobile Silhouette was advertised by Mr. Spock himself:

I am not buying an electric car until they are much faster than an ICE. - nobody ever

Sure, as far as Bonds go, Daniel Craig is pretty badass (so much so that he replaced Pierce Brosnan in the remake of the Goldeneye game). But I’m pretty sure John Wick would wreck all the Bonds at the same time.

Huh. It’s hard to tell, but you might be right.

A bumbling detective, a more serious inspector Clouseau...

Considering he uses his real name (as seen in Skyfall) yeah, hes pretty terrible.

Your explanation makes much more sense than most of the movies.

Nah he’s not. He’s very covert...

He’s a decoy spy sent in to distract the villain from the actual, real spies. He also keeps their femme fatales busy by drunkenly lurching around Monaco shouting his name and occupation at anyone who’ll listen, especially ladies, who he is incapable of reading in any way, shape or form. Through a series of

“Needless to say, we know who won’t be playing the next James Bond: that crew guy right behind Elliott’s shoulder.”

Might be worth mentioning that the differentials are cooled by an internal heat exchanger inside of the differential’s sump that has transmission fluid flowing through it. This means that the transmission fluid is pumped to the rear of the car, not high weight gear oil. You didn’t say anything incorrectly, but it did