
I like how the video is every bit as shitty as the song is. I applaud her for the consistency.

Not a week goes by that the US Copyright Office doesn't prove that copyright laws are fucking stupid.

Fuck yeah. You start that blog and I will totally read it. At least once, to see if it's any good.

Yeah, saying "brown-skinned people" is an "amorphous sounding group" that is meaningful only to me. Because "white people" isn't an amorphous sounding group at all.

I can't stand Zooey Deschanel so I refuse to watch anything she is in. These pictures show a group of white people with one black dude, so forgive my error.

I don't watch that show because I hate Zoey Deschanel. I just googled it and in the promo pics there showed ONE non-white person.

Most prime-time TV shows have predominantly white casts. There is ONE brown-skinned person on "Big Bang Theory" and ONE brown-skinned person on "The New Girl" and ZERO brown-skinned people on "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" (where there are literally THOUSANDS of brown-skinned people) so…maybe you should rephrase

I fucking care! Because "Uptown Saturday Night" and "Let's Do It Again" were fucking CLASSICS! I haven't seen any of the others (except for Shaft, obviously) but I have always intended to watch "Sweet Sweetback's Badass Song"

And how many of those films have YOU watched? Aside from "Shaf" of course, because every white guy is legally obligated to watch that one.

Oh man, if the Satellite of Love gets relaunched I am all over that.

Oh that was just too damn funny to not be shared.

So…who, exactly, is it OKAY to depict as mystical devil worshipers?

I don't understand how it's racist to set the movie in the Dominican Republic. Seriously, I don't get it, mainly because the reviewer doesn't explain HOW it is racist, just says it is and leaves it at that.

I like the tit-windo on Illyana's costume. So much more mature than the 80s New Mutant costumes that emphasized modesty.