Mogadishu Blues

Yeah that was really good. Where has Jon been? I kind of figured he’d be around taking advantage of lush environment for political commentary but it’s almost like he’s in hiding which makes me think he is probably going to run for office in which case I would absolutely support him even if it meant relocating. I

So, a pretty big privilege that nobody ever acknowledges is documentation-privilege. When you are undocumented people can just shoot you wily nily or steal you or force you into unpaid labor or really anything else and there is no recourse because technically you don’t exist. Not surprised that Trump isn’t talking

Oh come on. Yes they do, maybe they won’t in the future now that Trump is trying to mess everything up but you can’t just use a blanket statement like that. The officers who were supposed to be monitoring Sandra Fluke when she died of I think dehydration were sentenced and not only because they failed to provide her

Disagree. I think it will not work, and here’s why:

Ok I’m gonna say what we’re all thinking. Tomi Lahren sucks but she a real QT.

I would argue that there’s nothing more patriotic than protesting the anthem or burning the US flag. Those are our rights and by celebrating them we are literally being patriots. I burned a couple flags last week and posted them on Youtube.


This is a perfect example of the effect Trump is having on our democracy. When the president openly and shamelessly vilifies the media this is the result. People lose trust in all its forms, from nightly news to relevant and informative blog posts. Sad to see but the warning signs were clear.  

Several teams are already planning this. The only one I know for sure is the Carolina Panthers.

I would do that too. Standing up to injustice has no price.

Three years ago we had a brilliant man armed with emotional genius in the White House. Three years ago this country was the envy of the world because of that man.

I’m sorry, maybe I’m a prude. I’m not like you free-spirit Bernie kids. I have a house and a family and we go to church. We also watch TV together as a family. This is not something I would watch and this is not something that is appropriate for the large networks to air anywhere near prime time. Maggie, who I love,

Actually, he really is. Two years ago he got in a verbal, and some say physical, altercation with a gay rookie on the Dolphins. Incognito is transphobic and homophobic. Needless to say, the team kicked him off. Surprised to see his face back in the NFL considering there blacklisting Kaep for essentially being the

I’m sorry. I don’t mean to sound crass. I once worked on a horse farm in Lexington, good equestrians and better horses, but bad breeders. If you are unfamiliar with the upper echelon of horse breeding I would urge you to remain so. It’s a nasty business. I have seen a horse punched in the face by a very strong man for

Courageous? No. More like dangerous. She could have easily tripped that horse up causing a broken leg or an ankle/hoof injury in which case the horse would be put down. This is selfish fame and congratulations seeking and this article is contributing to it. She risked that horses life just to get a pat on the back.

Funny thing is that Trump is actually shooting himself in the feet on this one. Our economy is 100% dependent on cheap undocumented labor and that’s especially true for agriculture. Undocumented labor refugees also do the jobs that Americans refuse to do, things like plumbing and construction and HVAC/Electrical work.


I guess you haven’t seen that Lebron James returned to Cleveland and is going to win the championships for them yet again? This isn’t a Cleveland issue, this is an NHL issue. Their fanbase is pretty flighty. Ironic considering 99% of them live in flyover country... badum ching.

Why does this book need to exist?