Mogadishu Blues

Well, sometimes hope works. I kind of disagree on the book though. I think it sounds pretty interesting and will serve as absolute proof that we went from the best president of all time to the worst. I like the title, but it implies that shade went both ways. It didn’t and doesn’t. Obama and his wife Michelle took the

Loved the “Period” double entendre.

Actually, it is the players’ right to protest the national anthem and to protest the troops. This is an age old American tradition. By protesting America the athletes are being patriotic. This is what the Trumpets just don’t get. Protesting the flag is patriotic. You are allowed to burn the flag as well. I have done

It’s just so funny to me that people think that Comey was a political operative when he literally ruined Hillary’s chances by reopening the stupid email case right before the election. I honestly think Comey might be working for Trump.

The FBI did not have an informant in the Trump campaign. The FBI was just trying to protect our democracy against Russian hacking.

Thank you for this. I love the WNBA and it’s so hard to find good coverage these days. The NBA should really be lending some of their spotlight to the Women’s League. Then again, the NBA should be doing a lot more to untarnish their brand as a misogynistic and intolerant group of alpha males that care only about money

No she wouldn’t.

he’s going to hurt them in the election when their idiot president is the one who has.

She’s not as attractive as they say she is. The primary reason Trump talks about her is that he believes that attractiveness = good ratings = good person. That’s obviously not the case. Being a good person has nothing to do with whether you are attractive or not, and being attractive is such a subjective quality that

Fortunately, this doesn’t matter at all. Ryan is gone soon enough and these midterms are going to be hella good for us. People are saying 70+ flips in the House and just under 10 in the Senate. I’m more optimistic given the projections we can extrapolate from current data, but that’s neither here nor there. We are

You radical cynics will be the death of us. We’re winning! Cheer up. Fuck.

Approved? I hope you approve of what I wrote, I guess? Someone already replied to me with some pretty offensive language so I had to delete it. Maybe that’s what you’re talking about.

Agreed. Not to mention, the money spent on this car could feed 10 families for 10 months. What a waste.

I was heartbroken after Ossoff lost, but this woman gives me hope. She’s going to win and we’re going to flip at least 70 seats in the House while gaining around 9 in the Senate. And this is just the start. This is what #TheResistance was always about, taking back our government from neo-fascist Russian-colluding