
I think it is because it is just on the line between between being too simple and too complex.  The vast majority of 2600 titles fell into the former category while there was a small batch of games towards the end of the console that were in the latter camp.  The infamous ET adaptation and the lesser-well-known

We all lie in the bed we make, but sometimes that bed is a road. And so instead we end up walking where we sleep. But if we don’t like where we are going, its time to have a different dream. For Ellen, its time for her to wake up, into a new dream, where she can lie down, and walk her own path.

This too is sadly not a surprise to me. For the life of me I can’t find the story [I’ll keep searching for it] but it came out around the time of the first wave of #MeToo, and at the time it was written by an anonymous crew member or producer who had worked with an unnamed director and talked about how awful and

Lovely essay. This whole flashback week has been exceedingly good for the AVC. Almost like old times for some reason!

I see a trio of occurrences in one possible outcome:

It’s how things CAN go in reality, but I don’t think it’s anywhere near universal. Nearly every nation on earth has some kind of revolutionary in their founding mythology who is looked upon as a great improvement on the previous regime. Like Washington, for one. (Hell, even Lenin and Mao aren’t seen as the

She’s right. We’re so lame.

Another cop “fears for (his) life,” another Black man is dead. Like fucking clockwork.

The zeitgeist was shifting from the promise of the tech bubble 90s lifting up all ships, to a north american cataclysm in 2000 signalling our twenty year descent into the current dystopia. The album’s feelings and tone were certainly prophetic with regards to the tech-paranoia/technological alienation and social

From SanFranshishky?

Newport Beach? Did you drove or did you flew?

Now playing

Speaking of Bill Ward, here is possibly his heaviest, and finest performance, and watch that hi-hat!

“I think it was the blue guy on the left officer- can you ask him to turn slightly and wave?  Thanks, yeah, that’s him, the others aren’t even close.”

To cast my feelings into words: I (M40) am in love with the girlfriend (F31) of my boss (M54). I still care about him, though, and in order to convince him to cut her dirtbag brother loose, I let him know we were sleeping together. When he gave me the kiss-off, I went to work for his Eye-tie competitors. I worked the

“George Clooney used actual footage of Joseph McCarthy in his film “Good Night, and Good Luck” for a REASON. He did it because he knew people wouldn’t believe how ridiculous McCarthy was, and they didn’t, they complained “the actor for McCarthy” was “overdoing it.”

After reading the whole Vanity Fair article, I think they’re only talking about toning down the cosmetic aspects of Trump, not the rest, which seems like a reasonable decision. I think when you’re doing closeups on a high definition big screen TV, a 100% realistic depiction of the physical aspects of Trump would be

Now playing

When I heard electro-punk song about antibodies was hoping for something more along the lines of Future Punx, now I just want to hear someone else write a less Sum 41/Papa roach version of the song above