
Raise a hand if you had to look up what ‘“We Stan” the king’ meant. 

Next up, they’ll stop using punctuation in their articles as it’s passive aggressive. 

Individually, I don’t think you’re wrong. Some of the people the put historical significance on a number of words are the same people that probably chastise others for believing in things like numerology. It’s going to get to the point that you can’t do anything because it uses letters from the alphabet and the

Don’t let the Kotaku folks know about this!

Don’t let the Kotaku folks know about this!

It’s not a dumb comment, it’s a metaphor for representation in games that don’t promote violence. You’re taking it too literally, obtusely so.

You realize it’s a metaphor for ANY game where you aren’t killing an Arab but, instead, are interacting in a positive fashion. 

I think you likely have the correct answer here. The condoms send a message that it’s ok and probably increased the likelihood of drama. Imagine if they got sued for an unwanted pregnancy” - Not that I’m a prude, but I’m pretty sure lack of abstinence in this situation is the responsibility of the parties involved, no

I’m only here to say “Can we stop calling it X (Formerly Twitter)“? Either call it X, or better yet in defiance, just call it Twitter. But I think the Internet knows it’s formerly Twitter by now. 

Slow news day?

Oh yeah... I’m sure they’ll abide by those rules... Combating deepfakes and AI based misinformation by uh... politely asking those people purposefully creating misinformation to tag their content as AI. Sure... it’ll happen.

Isn’t all this AI animosity talk a little hypocritical? Literally just got done reading an “The Inventory” post write up on a piece of machinery with an 18% discount. The chef’s kiss? The footer “This article was generated by an AI engine which may produce inaccurate information.”

“it can never create NPCs with unique traits...If you want unique characters, hire better human writers.” - Neither can humans. This thought process needs to die. When it comes to “unique traits” no human is generating anything that’s unique in the same context you’re using to say that AI can’t do it. Just STOP.

Open Earth world maybe? Starfield, Elite Dangerous, No Mans Sky would like a word... 

They can figure this out, they just don’t want to. You can read it in the half baked apologies and it emboldens them to allow it to happen when there are no negative consequences outside of generating hype due to scarcity. 

I will say, her responses of entitlement were a direct comparison to the corporation although I felt more compelled to feel empathy for hers than the other... if 200 years had passed and you still hadn’t laid claim, having such a stern and stubborn position is a complex set of behaviors to wrap your head around. There

You’re looking a little peaked there... better take Friday off to rest and recover so you’re strong enough to work on Tuesday. 

“So then we just arrived at, ‘What if we just go text?’ and it was just really freeing,” - As if this was some incredibly new and profound decision-making process. Looking at you Daggerfall, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas... heh. I LOVE Bethesda’s RPGs but this is kind of an absurd revelation.

Excellent piece. Good to hear that the Deck performance has been great. Are you running at stock TDP settings? How much time are you getting on a charge or do you generally leave it plugged in? 

Ok but what’s the “Life Changing” part of all this? You didn’t once discuss this yet it’s 50% of your clickbait like title. What did you find life alteringly good (or bad) about the game? What did you take away from the game? 

Seems like it rather fits if it’s coming from Giuliani’s mouth.. Sounds very much like “accusation” [and the negative connotations you are associating with the word] is exactly how Giuliani intended it to come off.