
virtue signalling is not 'standing up for things'. it is doing very little to nothing and wanting praise (publicity) for it.

now those rooskies have really gone too far.

enough with the virtue signalling "we said no" crap. just tell us who said yes so they can be properly vilified.

The question is, how much more pink could it be.. and the answer is none. none more pink.

I thought Tom was off the crack.


Two band names I wish/hope get a band to call their own: "Chester Fields and the Filter Kings" and "Basket of Deplorables". Although the shelf life of the 2nd one probably isn't very long.

pretty much all of Alice Cooper Love It To Death. I was 12 and it checked every box in my preteen head. hard rocking, grim, insane. raised on the monkeys and my mom playing neil diamond and the soundtracks to hair and jesus christ superstar all day, Cooper was a revelation. I was never the same again.

I guess my point is that I get the feeling the pop press think they're way better than just 'great'.

I'm not finnish and I finished the thought in the next 8 words of my comment.

I find U2 contradictory. A truly great band that is enormously overrated. they put on a good show. they have a good beat and I can dance to it. and bloody sunday live at red rocks still gives me chills.

frozen white castle hamburgers when they first started marketing them, were made in-store. boxed, frozen and sent out with the frozen delivery truck.

sage words. the place to start would be to not rubber stamp nominate a 70 year old corrupt fake feminist simply because "it's her turn".

so much for the "genius" label regularly given to him by the pop press.

also, moderate republicans voted in droves for trump - it was the 'deep conservatives' who made up nearly all of the #nevertrump faction of the republican party. I would estimate trump won without at least 10% of the gop base voting for him.

rubio and cruz would have been a lot more acceptable to many republicans trump didn't get and hillary completely ignored white working class voters. absolutely and completely ignored them, hoping she could get enough minorities to turn out for her. they didn't. she didn't visit wisconsin even once after the

well sure, if you say so. I think you're grossly overestimating hillary's likability, personally, ethically and professionally. she's a horrible woman, was a horrible sec state with a horrible record. She claims to be a feminist while attacking her husband's rape victims. Fully 45% of the country wouldn't have

most of the voting public have quit listening to the media. have you seen journalists approval rate? it's in the teens. comparable with lawyers and used car salesmen.

ah, yes. all of it trump fed national enquirer reported baggage. on cruz and rubio. seriously, do you believe that shit?

baggage? you mean like cruz' dad killing jfk? I guess we'll never know, but I find it hard to believe that anyone but trump would approach hillary's saddle bags. and the wiki leaked podestra emails sure made it clear trump was their favored opposition.