
The media wanted Trump to be HIllary's opponent, thinking he'd be the easiest to beat. They stopped propping him up soon after the nomination.

both parties nominated the only person capable of losing to the other party's nominee.

therein lies the problem with today's politics. McCain and Romney were portrayed as the most evil thing that would set the country back 100 years. wouldn't you prefer one of them to trump today?

at least I didn't call you broadway duchess.

darlin' if you only knew half as much as everybody thinks you do.

imo, they don't suck, but at least you recognize a classic song when you hear it. love the guitar on that one.

it was interesting watching the trailer for Eraserhead. As incomprehensible it was, the movie offered no clarity. I didn't get it and it made me extremely uncomfortable watching it, but I couldn't turn away.

I saw that on facebook a few days ago. my eyes are going bad so at first it looked like childrens hands. creeped me the f@%^ out.

5 kinds of meat. 4 to 1 meat to other stuff ratio. no pasta. green, red, yellow bell peppers, jalapenos, banana peppers. beans go in only a few minutes before serving so they don't disintegrate. the spices are many and to taste.

TL/DR. is "my intelligence" on the list? it should be.

ok then, how many times will you vote for one of two detestable humans because one is marginally less terrible than the other? how many times will the major parties give you the choice of the lesser of two evils before you say 'f*** it, I'm not going to let them get away with it any longer, I'm voting 3rd party'? I

Who is being accused of beating his wife?

are you saying that SCHIP is ineffective? the dickens you say!

wow. it appears someone has been busily deleting tons of messages in this thread.

hard to argue with that. we've been conditioned to vote for the lesser of two evils. we hate vote to keep someone else out instead of voting for people we like and trust. Sadly, naked ambition usually comes with ruthlessness and amorality.

not my monkey. not my circus. I wash my hands of the whole thing. I'll be voting for the pot addled goof Johnson rather than either of the major party candidates.

ok, now you're not even trying…

lol. despite your calling me a racist, I like you.

I'll bet you say that to all the girls.

not outraged. just sick and tired. and annoyed.