
my opinion of someone doesn't change based on who else is around them. if she's terrible without trump, she's terrible with trump.

she really had nothing to do with that. that was congress. she was first lady at the time and did nothing but offer support. because who doesn't want to feed starving children?

yet, here you are wasting your words.

cute. hope you got a chuckle out of your little quip.

btw, I'm still waiting to hear why you believe trumps accusers but not bills. I'm still waiting to hear why you forgive hillary's at the very least tacit and probably explicit support for publically destroying each and every one of his victims.

so, then you really don't like anything about her public accomplishments but you're going to hate vote for her anyway.

I never said any of those things. you seem to have me confused with a trump supporter.

btw, I don't think trumps accusers are liars. why do you think you must believe one or the other but not both?

I have been following hillary's career for 25 years. I don't need trump or fox or any of those other things to form my opinion of her.

ok, you tell me. what, in your opinion, is her greatest accomplishments at both the state department and while in the senate? no googling. off the top of your head.

yes, you understand exactly.

99.999 percent of whom don't sniff the white house.

no, in fact, I'm quite the opposite. 'cuck' is a term used by racists to refer to people who aren't racist enough. I have been called 'cuck' more often than you, I'm going to guess.

a couple hundred people get straight As at Yale Law every year.

btw, I agree completely with you on trump. he IS a freakishly small handed, cheeto hued authoritarian sociopath and should on no account be allowed anywhere near the white house. that does not in the least change my opinion of hillary.

so, you believe trump's accusers, but dismiss all of bill's? you've forgotten about the clinton attack machine who worked night and day to turn every clinton 'conquest' into trailer trash bimbos?

says the guy who just suggested trump would kill someone.

yes, yes. if not for hillary, children would still be working in sweat shops here in this country instead of in India and China whose business interests she's been shilling for the past 20 years.

things that wouldn't surprise you to know about trump is not the same as things trump has done. I could go on all day about the things clinton _has_ said and done.

I quit reading after "But when Moore grows passionate about what he sees as the essential decency of Hillary Clinton" She's just a terrible human. no better than trump in that regard. she's never held a core belief strong enough to withstand a focus group or a wet finger held to the wind.