
I know! right?

nope. what was so great about the guitar on that disk? it fit the songs well enough, but it wasn't anything special.

Never was there a greater waste of talent than using SRV on the Let's Dance disk. It's not that it wasn't a great album, but pretty much anyone could have performed those licks.

very well crafted trailer. happy shiny people and music, slowly descending into madness. I'll see it if for no other reason than to see Goodman.

one season (the original) was plenty for this story line. it was the newness of it that made it watchable. I watched the first couple episodes of this one and bailed.

Doc's a lunger. unless they take up right where they left off, he'll have died already.

Tuco would fit right in. would be tough to find the pseudoephed precursor back then. might have to make it an opiate. call it blue tar. but, if we're using fonzie's time machineā€¦. ok, shark jumped.

1. Bring her too - great actor! 2. GOD NO! sweet meteor of death, take me now.

maybe they could do an entourage/deadwood mashup. Bullock beats the shit out of all 5 of the entourage douchebags.

He becomes a doctor and is serenaded by a hipster duo using heroin/hooker metaphors, session sax players and jaz/pop chord changes.

Tell your god to ready for blood.

SPOILERS! oh, and a drunk fucks a horse. sort of.


that would be HUZZAH! not HURRAY.

Jane might have been my favorite character. she played drunk better than anyone in the cast.

it got your attention and I still have your attention. what does that say about you?

neither did I. meka seemed to though. I was making a joke. he obviously didn't take it that way.

I don't feel the need to bow to SJW irrelevancies when joking about a tv sitcom.

nope, didn't say that either.

Indeed, and the old Sheldon would have never stood for this sad state of affairs.