
no, I really don't.

it's taken me years to adjust to the idea that it's humanly possible for a healthy male of the species to have zero interest in sex and then the pull this stunt? they've officially jumped the shark….

good for the trick. I'm happy for them, but I stopped caring about the rrhof after waiting so long to induct SRV. should have been first ballot.

I was sure the frog was going to eat the spider. very disappointing.

no worries. it IS all our fault.

why are you yelling at me? I just stated the indisputed facts. I see maybe one concert a year. and I pay for the music I listen to.

For a 56 year old, other than the radio hits, I was late to the Rush party. It wasn't until about 15 years ago I started revisiting the old disks and deep cuts. Damn, what a body of work.

Streaming services and CD ripping are the reasons we're paying $200 to see an act live; why the album format is dead and why we're unlikely to discover the next Beatles - who are probably toiling away in a bar somewhere for a cut of the door. Of course not being streaming isn't stopping Sir Paul from charging even

I feel the same way about The Godfather III. Next to I and II, it pales, but by itself, it's a damned good movie. Not great, but damned good. I've watched it several times on DVD. On the other hand, I've only ever seen any of the prequels but once.

and it will be so bad, it will be awesome.

I have a vague memory of this… maybe because I watched cheap trick's appearance… but oh, wow, those clips are completely unwatchable.

the beauty was that it was treated so uneventful. Sue knew and had known presumably for a very long time - maybe even before he did. it didn't matter.

we get plenty of little ones. there's one that lives on my bedroom ceiling and drops down in front of the tv. those guys don't bother me in the least. it's the big ones that give me the creeps.

I'm not a huge scary movie fan, it's tough for me to suspend my disbelief. there are a few that creeped me out, but for the most part, other than 'startles', I don't get scared. But the first time I watched "Arachnophobia", even though it's mostly a comedy, I was on the edge of my seat and looking away half the time.

way too predictable and a terrible idea. I think there's going to be some sort of mystery reveal for Luke - but I hope flipping to the dark side isn't it.

of course you'll have the good taste not to mention I spoke to you.

I sat and watched Blazing Saddles on DVD with my teenaged son a few years ago, and he was aghast at the racial humor. He didn't get it. Years of liberal education has ruined him for the painful ironies of true genius.

Other than watching the performances, which are spotty, but mostly worth the time, and sometimes - like Prince playing WMGGW - are spectacular, I gave up caring about the RRHOF the year they first passed on Stevie Ray Vaughan - he should have been a no-brainer first year, first ballot inductee.

Well, there's that. If she were offering me a blowjob, I would seriously consider selling my vote for it.

I was a huge beatles fan and just as big a mc fan, right up until after speed of sound and could only stomach a few of the songs on that disk. after that I lost interest - too pop, to easy listening. It's pretty telling that he hasn't performed hardly any of his 80s, 90s or 00s songs on any of his recent