Y’all have predicted 12 of the 0 sub prime auto crisis over the past 7 or so years. Seriously, here’s an article I found, from all the way back in 2015: https://jalopnik.com/equifax-denies-sub-prime-loan-bubble-says-loans-improv-1686526590
You’ve been sitting for a few hours, you can sit still for a few more minutes you won’t self combust.
Do these Trumptards not have jobs? They sure have a lot of time to, you know, enact change, and urinate on each other.
I’m not disagreeing with you here, but the prior history of the dudes that got shot really doesn’t have any bearing on what happened that night.
You’re not understanding how this works. “Keep YOUR politics out of video games; not mine.”
Wait I thought the right always complained when there was politics in our entertainment?
Theoretically if tuned correctly it can actually give you great feeling steering.
My mother has advanced degrees in Engineering...might need to re-think your statement!
“So not only will some faceless corporation know that you binge-watch Is It Cake?, they’ll also weaponize that information against you.”
The correct time to spend in the shower is the amount of time it takes to briefly wipe away the crippling depression you have and/or finish your beer.
I’d like to think I could make it more than two miles.
Left rear looks 1.5 psi off. Dealership used an Analog gauge.
I literally can’t read Kotaku without being on our network, where our trusty Pi.hole eats all the stupid ads for breakfast.
Yes. Gasoline may be the same but the additives are different.
Hey guys,
Gas is most definitely not the same everywhere. The quality and amount of additives varies quite a bit. This is like saying whiskey is whiskey.