Who’s stopping these “adults”, as in fully-grown people, from going to the bathroom?
Who’s stopping these “adults”, as in fully-grown people, from going to the bathroom?
I think we should go a step further and offer US citizenship to any Russian arrested in protests.
Humans being as they are, consent is one of the earlier sex-ed lessons kids need to learn. If food metaphors work, great!
This is one of the least idiotic things I have seen people do on that portion of US 75.
Meanwhile, it’s fine to bark at your cat, because they already loathe you on a level you can’t even comprehend.
The entire trend of videos that are “fuck with your pet by doing X” needs to die. Some of the things are harmless but all of them encourage the attitude that pets are entertainment instead of responsibility.
You can disagree with my opinion without being a fucking asshole about it.
If that race ended under yellow, it would have been the most boring ending to one of the most exciting seasons.
I would watch a series that involved a bunch of pro drivers in base model CRVs and Rogues driving a road course in a full-contact deathmatch type setup. That would be significantly more interesting than anything Nascar has done in the past several decades.
That at least involves consent by the user. I never consented to walking or driving around this half-assed AI tech.
So they’re repurposing a ship that would otherwise be dismantled in an environmentally friendly manner, and your take is it’s bad, just because it’s for a billionaire?
This is the society you get when you treat firearm ownership as an inalienable right, rather than a privilege with responsibilities.
I’m a gun owner, and I use it for target shooting and I sometimes take it into the mountains for large animal protection if I’m alone (I also carry bear spray as a first line of defense). I’m also a very even keeled person, not prone to emotional outbursts. But even I know that carrying a weapon daily only makes this…
I have a nice idea how to fix this “problem”. Exactly 5 minutes before the qualifying/race starts a coin is flipped. The coin decides if the oval is going to be driven clockwise or counterclockwise. The cars cannot be modified in any way after the direction has been decided.
Re: “Lack of Books” - I feel of two minds on this. Because I feel like books are meant to primarily be read, not displayed, and bookcases are meant to primarily be storage, not decor. Like, sure, display your books in a way that makes them and your home look nice, but you shouldn’t only display them for that purpose.…
Stuff like this is why you really want ota updates in your car.
Sure elevator mechanics make good money, but there are a lot of ups and downs.
If I was you neighbor I would ask, no DEMAND, that you give me a warning the next time you do stuff in the yard. I would then set up some chairs, a cooler full of beer, and sit and watch the hilarity.
He could make it a “Neighbor Gonna Do Some Stupid Shit That Seems Logical At The Time” kegger day.