Moe Zas

AOC campaigned for Davids’ opponent because that opponent was more progressive, specifically on issues like Medicare for All. She was also the first to say that if Davids won her primary, she would support her.

This...isn’t complicated. It’s not some conspiracy. She supports candidates who are more progressive and

Nah man, I’m filed with nothing but love for my small town small minded bretheren. I want them to prosper, to be happy, to strive for a better tomorrow.
But it’s a tough love. They need to stop shitting the bed then blaming it on immigrants. They need to stop asking for a better job and more benefits but then voting

You don’t have an answer to my question. Claire McCaskill doesn’t have a legacy in Washington. And both of you should be quiet.

Tweet-length. QED.

You can’t be this fucking stupid, right? Freshman orientation in the House makes Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez part of the establishment but Claire McCaskill having accomplished Jack Schmidt in the Senate but having the temerity to lecture somebody else on “How things really get done in Washington” is Whataboutism? Nice

“If she hasn’t completed her first day in Congress, how is she officially part of the Establishment?”

That’s actually the thing I like most about my Senator, Sherrod Brown. He references the working class, not just the white working class. He realizes that the working class is overwhelmingly black, brown, and female.

Yeah, so let’s chill out and stop trying to destroy her right?

AOC is popular because she’s a young, progressive liberal who has enough political experience to not be totally “pie-in-the-sky” about her ideas. It’s very telling that the attacks on her try to emphasize that she doesn’t know anything or that she’s naive when she has more experience with politics and campaigns than

McCaskill is trash. She exemplifies and typifies the problem with white liberal women. I saw her on PBS Newshour talmbout kowtowing to Trump voters by not focusing on “identity politics” (dogwhistle for “lets not make white people, especially white men, feel bad for being white and male”). Check out the 10 minute

“White, working class voters” don’t exist for Democrats anymore. Their racist, lazy asses are voting republican and have been for years. That’s why she lost! It’s the definition of insanity.

A little black boy just sitting in a park by himself under a gazebo with a BB gun; shot dead seconds after the police officer rolls up in his vehicle without warning or trying to assess the situation and talk to him. A white guy who was intimidating voters at the polls and then threatened them with a gun, which turned