Moe's Tavern

I may be in the minority position on this, but even “properly made” tuna melts are gross. Tuna and cheese just don’t go together.

I don’t understand how it’s a “prank” at all. Everyone uses a toilet seat cover in those, and saliva dries very quickly. So any “germs” from her tongue won’t even make it to the person sitting there. She just licked a toilet...

I used to watch Idiocracy for laughs. Now I watch it to predict what happens next in America.

Don’t feel sorry for me, stupid. You’re the one dumb enough to think I’d vote for Biden in the primary.

And there it is, the exact reason your candidate lost the nomination: nothing to do with him. His deplorable supporters stupidly burning bridges. You all enjoy demeaning others more than winning.

Please note, the words "I'm sorry"never appear in his Declaration of Hypocrisy, I mean "Coming Out Announcement".

First of all, I never claimed I’m “abandoning ship on my beliefs”, did I, stupid? I stated I don’t like Biden being the nominee. I only stated I’m glad you all will feel what we feel. That doesn’t betray my beliefs, stupid. I still support MFA, free college, etc. However, Sanders nor Warren will win, and Biden’s win

This is the exact problem I'm talking about. You Sanders supporters are the worst. Instead of building a bridge and trying to convince me to support your candidate, you instead insult your way to defeat. See you at Sanders' concession speech.

Sanders supporters are already mocking her and her supporters after she's dropped out. I don’t want Biden to be the nominee, but I love that Biden’s nomination will crush their spirits the same way they tried to crush ours. If I'm such a "snake", then I guess I'll start acting like it.

Warren 2024!!! 

What are you talking about? Again, I supported Bernie over Hillary. I don’t “hate him at all costs”. Just because his MFA math doesn’t add up while Warren’s does doesn’t mean I “hate him at all costs”. Just because I’ve pointed out that he’s a man who’s almost 80 and had a heart attack within the last 6 month doesn’t

Yes, what part of “candidates who are running in an election where 98% of the delegates are up for grabs don’t owe anything to the other candidates at this time” do you not get? Look, Warren owes as much to Bernie as Bernie owes to Bloomberg aka NOTHING. They’re all running for the same office, they owe nothing to

You could argue it makes him “a better person” all day long, I disagree. If what she says is true, then she wasn’t “going low”. If it isn’t true, we’ll never know, which means it still wasn’t “going low”. Careless, yes. If no one else is there to corroborate it, even if it’s true, others will judge you just for saying

When did she say she would wait until her 3rd year to pass the legislation? The legislation can pass all-at-once to encompass the MFA transition AND the MFA plan at the beginning of her Administration. Then in the 3rd year the “legislative autopilot” would be the MFA full rollout. Even if a GOP Congress is in office,

Firstly, her MFA plan’s approach is the ONLY one that makes sense. Bernie’s, while ambitious, doesn’t actually lay out how it’ll be paid for and what the transition to MFA would look like. She’s not “establishment”, and her candidacy is not meant is an emergency brake for Sanders. She doesn’t owe ANYONE in the race

No, I wouldn’t. Bernie has also earned his place in this race. Every person running (excluding Bloomberg and Steyer) have earned their candidacies. If Warren surged to 1st tomorrow, that doesn’t mean Sanders should drop out. She doesn’t need YOUR personal approval to maintain “progressive credibility”. She already

I’m sooooo sick of the “she needs to drop out and endorse Sanders” people. She has EARNED her place in this race, and the very notion that this accomplished, talented Senator should drop out for any man is beyond exhausting. 

If Wendy Williams were a white man, she’d definitely be a prominent member of the Alt Right.

Michael Bloomberg could’ve made a real difference by throwing his money behind Warren, Castro, Harris or Booker, but instead, he’s throwing a multi-million dollar tantrum just because Trump got elected. Billionaires always look at what other billionaires have and think, “I want it too! I deserve it too!” Ugh.

I’m actually glad about this. Hopefully it means the end of Iowa’s “first-in-the-nation” status going forward.