
Because 15-year-olds shouldn’t have 12 million dollars.

“Dolezaling” XD

Aw, jeez, come on. I identify with sloths, but I’m not Rachel Dolezaling myself into a sloth, the way this chick is into a cat.

This is nonsense. They don’t want to die. They want to say “I’m prepared to die for the Constitution” so that people will go “Wow, these guys want to die, they’re a scary right-wing death cult!” They’re morons. They’re morons loitering in a shack.

After a while it gets boring bringing your trucks to the same spot at the far end of the Walmart parking lot and you start thinking “guys, what if maybe there’s more to life”

Listen, the very notion that they’re genuinely “doing” anything is flattering to them. If they were serious about some sort of insurrection against government, they could—would—have picked virtually any other building in North America to start it. They don’t want a fight. They want to get interviewed on Fox News.