Moe Khan

The difference is that NASCAR does it because they’re generally afraid of technology, while Super GT isn’t. In fact, part of what they do is to encourage local engineers - the Dome Mother Chassis silhouettes in GT300 were developed specifically so teams wouldn’t just buy GT3 cars. Instead, they buy Mother Chassis cars

oh, i dunno, that seems like a stretch.

Tgabk you for writing about this car. I was mildly obsessed with it in fourth grade when I had a Guinness world record book, and had not heard much of it since the late 80s. Granted I did not Google it since, because I did not want to find out itt was not as bannas as I recalled. Thankfully it is bannanas after all.

This is completely anecdotal, but I see a surprising amount of older BMW’s getting well past 200k miles, despite their supposed unreliability. Though I guess that’s offset by all the ones that get sent to the junkyard at like 120k when the transmission/engine blows and is too expensive to repair.


No one said the moose on the Volvo 850 instrument cluster circuit board?

Ghosts are residents.

More than you can afford, pal.

FCA (and especially Dodge and Chrysler) is a favorite punching bag of the Jalopnik staff and the commenteriat. It’s an easy target and doesn’t really require much effort for a writer to put together a piece like this one. I’ve owned cars from GM and Ford and now own two Mopars and, in my opinion, saying that one is

I’m going to fire the guy who put the camo wrap on that. What the hell kinda job is that?

Thank you for the comment. Honestly, when I was writing this, I had to question myself several times on whether this was interesting, or if I was just having a James May moment and mistaking arcane trivia for interesting history. I’m glad it turns out that it is actually interesting.

You do know where the word “Camry” came from, right?

See you in 25 years, little buddy

Internal investigations found that his emails titled “New Escort” were not actually anything to do with bringing back an old nameplate.

not a rumour, this has been confirmed by Helmut Marko already.

That “word on the street” is from last season. Seemed kinda obvious at the time.

This has been my supposition since I heard of the Honda deal at Toro Rosso. They’ll give Honda a year or two in the mule car and then finally ditch Renault, which, as you say, they’ve been trying to ditch for years.

There’s one problem... RBR doesn’t get to kill the TAG deal. It’s already dead. Renault told them this season is it.

It makes a lot of sense, it’s not a big risk to have your second team be the guinea pig. If it works out well, they take it and drop it in the first team. If it doesn’t, they can try something else.

always loved these things