
That... seems unlikely. People don’t make games to score vacations. You don’t come up with a prototype like that so you can scam people. Those guys are probably hating life right now, but I sincerely doubt their intention was to do anything but make a cool game. The trouble with projects like that is that when things

That would be a good list for an article! =3

Honestly, are you sure that’s what happened? No one from any party has said anything. Remember, that was a joint venture with more than 2 companies sharing the load. Seems a lot to pin on one guy who may have to be silent for legal reasons —like some of the others on this list. Just a thought to consider before taking

I also backed that, but I thought it was still in dev? I seem to recall just getting an update.

Is that why you write these articles? Just curious if it could have colored your opinion.