
The bar has just been lowered.

"Steven P. Jobs passed away on Friday, September 9th, 2011"

The pictures were taken by someone who understand the specific advantages of camera system in the 4S. Your typical above average amateur photographer, while he may understand photography, will not be knowledgeable how to get the most from that specific lens system.

Apple is going to solidify their market share with $99 4, and the free 3GS. Apple wants people buying apps, using iCloud, getting "locked in" to iMessage, a few more high end customers is not what they need at the moment. They need to broaden their market share, the release of the 4S is just a plus, a way of keeping


I have WiMax, and I never use it except for large downloads. It's a gimmick. It sucks the battery, the reception (in nyc) is awful, therefore, leaving it on is impractical. And, turning it on, and waiting for an authentication (or whatever it's doing) in middle of a call is not worth the effort. Implementing a

It's long overdue for sprint to implement sv-do, ev-dv (or something like that) and allow voice and data simultaneously. Maybe we'll get that on Friday.

Where was the "And one more thing..."? Where was any mention of Jobs? (or does he not he not want to be associated with a mediocre product launch?)

Don't forget almost nothing new was announced on the ipod front. Today's presentation should've taken no longer than 45 minutes, and it should not have required an invite. The iPhone 4S was worthy of nothing more than your typical mid level phone roll out.

What took 1 1/2 years?

Just wondering, why wont it work on the new iPod Touch? (or is Apple once again neutering the touch so it doesn't compete with the iPhone?)

I don't get why everyone is all excited and thinks something new is coming out, my guess is they're just putting up some new bumpers to improve reception.

From the Fire's specs sheet

$99, and $149 are the Ad filled versions....

Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky. All these prices are only with "special offers", for the regular price add an additional $40.

Sprint has Oct. 15-30 blacked out.

The "you can talk to me" operator that I hate will be invading my phone? Will there be anyway to just hit 0 a few times to get a real person?

Btw, Amazon started cleaning out their stock of Kindles today.

Just one short year later, the Nokia 5120 came on to the scene and completely revolutionized cellular handsets.

"...made worse by the fact that it's an awkward 4:3 aspect ratio."