
Flash support is rumored to be dropped from IE 10.

Carriers could, but they know no one will pay $40 a month for a tablet plan ($20 subsidy for the device, and $20 for the data service, and even at that rate it questionable if the carriers will be profiting.)

I notice your optimism doesn't extend to years....

Google sharing patents with Microsoft, will not help them in anyway, because they want the patents to be able to counter sue, and by sharing, they'll have their hands tied.

"If you have a window unit with Low, Med, and Hi as your only options"

Rubenstein had great ideas, but his execution was terrible. In the real world, execution counts, not ideas.

Stay put until we can determine which the direction the wind is blowing, and please do not jam the roads before Bloomy has a chance to flee with his private jet to the Caribbean.

12,00 btu window unit = $300. 12,000 btu split unit = $1500.

He got lucky, most organ "donors" in the Great Republic of China don't ever see a dime from the deal.

"fifteen minutes a day you'll get three months"

He doesn't have regular full diplomatic immunity. His diplomatic immunity is limited to IMF business. Although the IMF is in the business of screwing the little guy, his immunity wont help he against an actual rape charge.

Did you forget about the option to add USB accessories?


If you want a buddy to hangout with, get a hipster. If you want you sandwich prepared properly, get a Mexican.

I think we now know exactly what happened to the iPhone 4.

Two legs bad, three legs good.

Btw, you can do data only on Sprint for $30+$10=$40

CEO of USA looks black to me.