
I guess I'll start to take those warnings about not throwing batteries in to fire more seriously now.

@project_4: What Assage is doing is borderline reckless. What the preteens are doing is fucking inconsiderate.

@Mecharine: Don't kid yourself, the government would love to regulate the internet, but they need an excuse that they can sell, that, along with big corps like visa/mastercard complaining and lobbying about malicious people disrupting finance.

@Shai: I'm talking about a "three strikes" rules, like some countries enacted against file sharing.

What idiots, bad enough the Austrian Anarchist just gave the Gov't enough reason to take away our free speech. These pre-teens will give the Gov't the perfect excuse to regulate internet "bad" communications at will.

I need 4G because my CDMA network does not allow to access data, and voice simultaneously.

@ps61318: plugin-container.exe runs flash in a separate process from the firefox to prevent it from crashing firefox, however it still run all code uninhibited. Sandboxing it, cuts it of from the os, not allowing exploit code to command the operating system.

Good luck teaching that generation about safe-sex, their new-found youth will kill them off, sooner than aging will.


Idiotic, there are more pre-Black Friday sales this year.

It's a decoy

Pee Party

I want Windows 8 live, the option to sit down at any computer, and have my desktop, without having to install Windows Server on my home pc, and without having my home pc being constantly connect to the cloud.

To be buried alive.

Next up, Google blocks Facebook from accessing Gmail through IMAP.

Here's an idea, Google TVs should automatically update themselves daily changing their user agent string...