Cameron Mitchell

Hello! First, thank you :) Secondly, yeah, that was on purpose, when making the highpoly tiles, I made sure to just do it by hand, and not 100% accurate, so as to make things look a little less synthetic, y’know? It makes things seem a little more natural and hand made :) there are some other tiles that have that

Thank you! :) I will keep that in mind!

Just as a point of note, I have used no point lighting in this environment. All of the lighting is bounced light. In the hallway, all lighting is emissive from the strip lights, and in the sphere, I have used bounce cards to provide smooth lighting :) Any bloom seen is through the camera, and its settings :)

Hello, well to be fair, it was 5 months on and off, as I have other commitments, and University work to do. Also the project has a lot of unseen complications, being a real time game engine environment. There are a lot of extra steps to ensure that it will run in UE4, and to make it look nice. Lastly, I did several

Hello, I am the artist of the work, Cameron Mitchell. Just dropping by to say a big thank you for the write up and the kind words! I hope anyone watching the video enjoys it :)
