
@Terry: Are you hoping for a CBS series, Cute Crap My Kid Says? :)

@31337h4ck3r: I use a very heavy duty box cutter with retractable blade, like the larger one here: []

Bunedoggle's Tawker used to e-mail me when anyone replied to one of my comments. It stopped (many months ago). I have looked at my preferences and it allows me to subscribe for notices of Open Thread or Deals postings, but it doesn't look like I can get notices when someone replies to me on regular LH postings.

That is LOL funny. Kind of like the redneck fixes, it's whacky and brilliont at the same time.

Hint: I precede some of my text shortcuts with "z", especially if the shortcut happens to be a word (or close to one). Example: Instead of "sig," I use "zsig".

Another tool for this is SpellCatcher (available for Mac and Windows). It's also a universal spell check (nice because one dictionary works for all apps). I've been using it for 20 years. Very well supported by the developer.

@Benguin: Carcinogens, no, but most of them use saturated fat and palm oil which are the worst of the fats for cardiac disease.

Using your own bag is a step up. Here's how to do really, really good popcorn:

@y0urm0msname: I have seen formulas for DIY fluid but when on sale, the stuff is so cheap that I wouldn't bother.

@Wes Bunton: Well, the good news is they are all going to tiered plans so if a data plan is required, would could at least choose a minimal one.

@meddlingmonkey: It's not easy. You will need to be in partnership with people who can help with manufacturing, retail, etc. It's also hard to get into companies that develop their own products, but I would start there. Look for a company that has products that would align with what you are doing, especially marketing

@musiqrulez: My wife is an interior designer and it's a frequent problem. Rooms are designed with the fireplace as center of attention and guess where people invariably want the TV. Until flat screens, it was a real problem. Now, at least, you can hang a screen there, though I agree it looks whacky and has practical

@Nitesh Singh: Yes, pretty much but in my experience, they attract a higher level of discourse.

@prupert: Because Google's mission is to harbor and index the world's knowledge. They estimate they have less than a percent now. The majority is in people's heads. By hosting and indexing sites like this, Yahoo Answers, blogs, etc., they can capture some of that.

@paravorheim: I don't think it's a coincidence. Engineering minds often produce brilliant ideas that the market doesn't get. Lots of features, unclear benefits.

@Farrel: Well said ("...or 95% of users simplicty beats capabilities hands down. Furthermore, it was just too much of a paradigm shift for most people.").

I tried to like Wave. I -loved- the idea. But every project was vexed by the same thing — everyone involved had to use Wave. There was little interface to e-mail or anything else to accommodate lightweight users. You were all the way in, or all the way out.

@pinecone99: But what if you're not drinking when you see flies?

@Brinky: Yes, but what in the world can you do with the unused 11 ounces of beer?