
do you consider johnny depp a proper musician? he's played guitar on songs by iggy pop, oasis, patti smith, and others.

or, how a bunch of shitty comedians are stealing jobs from actual voice actors. not like i was going to watch either way, but it sucks that actual talented voice actors won't get these roles because they need to cast that white guy i vaguely recognize from saturday night live.

why the fuck is this news?

he just comes off needlessly terse. maybe it was different in person, but written, he seems prickly. if you reply to a question from anyone with just "yeah." several times, you're typically not being very warm, no?

there's something obviously wrong with tommy wiseau, but the av club interviewer comes off as rude. tommy' is nuts. steve heisler is just a dick.

If this got a C-, what needs to happen for a show to get an F? Does someone actually have to commit a hate crime? Truly awful television. How this even got to air is beyond me.

If this got a C-, what needs to happen for a show to get an F? Does someone actually have to commit a hate crime? Truly awful television. How this even got to air is beyond me.

how are you going to put the lonely island and NOT use "my pants"?:

how are you going to put the lonely island and NOT use "my pants"?: