
See, that would have been good information to have in the article itself, seeing as it doesn’t even mention the game by name. You technically see copies of it for sale in the header pic, but it’s not immediately apparent that’s what you’re looking at.

This is pretty fun, but like... can they be sued for this? Blockbuster still has one store left, and Dish owns the brand name and maybe wouldn’t be super keen on someone else using it to promote an unrelated product.

And the original header image for the article was already kinda NSFW, so there was literally no way to avoid it if you were just scrolling through the home page.

Thank you for at least apologizing for the article, though I do disagree with the decision not to delete it. That being said, you’re the editor-in-chief. How is it that you didn’t see the article at all until it was already up? I get Kotaku’s technically a blog and not a “proper” news site, but if writers are able to

State of Play is always lame. The last one was only good because they had the first FF7 remake footage in like 4 years, and this one only really has TLOU2 propping it up. The problem is that Sony is transitioning to the next generation and doesn’t have much to show until the PS5 is announced, so we end up with these

Yeah, it’s weird that they’ve been silent on that one for a while. Makes me wonder if it might’ve been moved to PS5, or that it might be a cross-gen game.

AFAIK Kojima’s tweets are translated by his assistant Ayako, and Kojima either doesn’t know English at all or his knowledge is limited enough that he needs someone else to translate for him. English also appears to be her second language, and even the tweets that aren’t mistranslated to the extent featured in this

Borderlands 3 has been in development for what I gather is a decent length of time (though maybe not long enough given all the technical issues it has), they could’ve had input from Telltale staff during the early planning stages. Or they could’ve just hired the writers of TFtB when Telltale closed.

Kamiya set up the universe and the characters, but by this point it’s clearly more Itsuno’s baby than Kamiya’s. You can feel a definite shift in the characterization of Dante, and the feel of the series as a whole, once DMC3 comes around, and that carries through into 4 and 5.

It’s Square Enix, it’s probably gonna be the mobile versions.

I completely understand why they’re doing this, but they need to announce something substantial for the $10-per-month Nitro option to replace the free games. Because right now the only tangible benefit you get over Nitro Classic (which is half the price) is the ability to “boost” servers.

Yeah, I think that’s probably it. I read both Kotaku and io9, so I either conflated the two sites or Kotaku linked to the io9 article when it first ran.

Am I going crazy, or did this story run like a few weeks ago? Because I swear I’ve seen it before.

Perhaps “preserve” isn’t the best word for it. Maybe it’s better to think of ROM sites as libraries, offering free access to vast amounts of media that most people would otherwise have no chance to experience. Of course, libraries are legally protected and “legit,” so the analogy still isn’t perfect, but you get the

Yeah, I think this one is a much more clear-cut case than Emuparadise. This site wasn’t “preserving” anything, and considering it was also offering pirated movies and ebooks, it was bound to be shut down eventually regardless of Nintendo’s involvement. If it wasn’t Nintendo, it would’ve been Disney or Warner Bros. or

The FF7 port has the exact same QoL features (3x speed mode, battle assist, and the option to turn off random encounters) as the FF8 port. The backgrounds are based on the slightly higher-res backups that SE kept from development, so they look better than the PS1-grade assets that the FF8 port was forced to use. The

Hasn’t that already existed for years now?

Worth noting that Shantae is also coming to Switch, PS4, XB1, and PC, so you could also just play it there.

It looks like the only input option is the controllers for the Neo Geo Mini, which... aren’t very good. They’re designed to look like the Neo Geo CD pads, but instead of the microswitch joystick, they just used a generic analog stick.

Man, I’m on a Genesis kick these days