
EDIT: I get it, I’m dumb.

Yeah, they’re never revisiting DmC since it sold somewhat poorly (less than half what DMC4 sold, and the SE of DMC4 also outsold the DE of DmC) and was lambasted by fans of the series. This is a proper sequel to DMC4.

They’re not trying to be GTA. The only similarities are that they involve crime and they take place in a city. Yakuza is closer to a JRPG in terms of progression and structure.

If you’ve watched his videos for any length of time, you’d be more than familiar with his political leanings. Maybe the fact that you didn’t notice means that the “SJW” stuff isn’t quite as bad as you think it is?

For fuck’s sakes.

Splatoon-style gyro controls are pretty great, but trying to emulate Wii-style pointer controls using the gyro sensors is a recipe for disaster. World of Goo requires you to constantly re-calibrate the controller because it loses tracking, and Okami’s brush strokes are insanely fiddly to get right. If they implement

They’re probably remaking it as we speak.

Probably not, and if they do add it, it won’t be as good because the Switch’s gyro sensors aren’t as good as the Wii’s IR pointer.

First impressions are vital, and it seems so many publishers are forgetting that. They could completely fix Anthem by the end of the month, but even by that point it would probably be too late. EA let it launch as a broken mess, and that’s what people will remember, just like how people still remember ME: Andromeda as

How about “Maybe EA should’ve ‘not delayed’ it even more so that it didn’t launch in such an awful state?”

They are not submissive, passive dolls who exist for Dante’s benefit.

And don’t even get me started on the game’s misogynist treatment of women, a far cry from interesting and proactive characters like Trish and Lady who contributed to the overall story and weren’t just some prize for Dante to win or a way to bolster him.

See, my issue with it isn’t necessarily that it’s out-of-character, but rather how all the characters react to finding out about his plan. Dante and Kat just kinda stare at him confused, and Vergil seemingly has no idea that they didn’t already know about his plan. It makes Vergil look like an idiot for not telling

I don’t like saying “your opinion is wrong,” because I’m generally of the belief that people can believe what they want as long as it doesn’t devolve into insults and harassment and whatnot. But I genuinely do not understand how one can say the game’s storytelling and especially the dialogue and especially the

The mobile ports are based on the original versions. Nothing is being cut, it’s just that there are bugs and aesthetic changes that undercut the benefits of these re-releases. When FFVII comes to Switch, they’re not gonna cut anything.

Literally every piece of art is political, at least in some fashion. Many are not intentionally trying to deliver a political message, but they can still reflect the values and beliefs of the people and the culture that created them. The people who made the board game Life probably weren’t trying to deliver a

I haven’t played the game, but I’ve seen some cutscenes on Twitter where they have two literally identical hooded characters talking with each other. Do they ever take off those hoods or did they just not want to/ran out of time to model two different heads?