
The social media company recently decided to remove Bullet Train from the setup after public outcry over the optics and timing, spurred on by videos and screenshots circulated by Now This News and others.

Yes, because it’s clearly impossible for people to be angry at two things at a time.

If people felt as strongly about the literal terrorist lobby group at this convention - you know, the one responsible for the actual, real-life deaths of children - as they did about a silly videogame, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

How is removing a game demo from a trade event “compromising our values”? Like, this isn’t an uncommon occurrence. Plenty of media gets held back or altered in the wake of mass shootings. Just a few years ago, the film Gangster Squad underwent significant changes and was delayed by months because of the Aurora

I wonder how many people that are calling facebook tasteless today will defend not pulling all shooty videos from Youtube and Twitch because of that one shooting?

The fuck are you talking about?

No one’s criticizing Facebook because they think video games are the cause of mass shootings. They’re criticizing Facebook because having a demo where you shoot up a public space like a train station so soon after the Parkland shooting is in very poor taste.

A game doesn’t have to redefine how the genre works in order to be good. And lolwot24653 was comparing them in terms of critical acclaim at the time of release, not lasting impact. Obviously, we don’t know if BOTW will have the kind of impact OoT had, because it’s less than a year old and games these days take at

They can’t put people in the cars, or then the trademark ludicrous car crashes would be a lot less fun.

$40, and a higher framerate and (hopefully) all the DLC content.

Because Paradise is the latest Burnout game (no, Crash doesn’t count) and thus requires the least effort to remaster for new consoles. If they wanted to go back to the PS2 games they would need to do a lot more work to make them look “acceptable” on current-gen systems.

Now playing

Judging from the reveal trailer, it looks like the original game with some tweaks.


The wording is kind of unclear: is this Wii-style pointer aiming, or is it more like Splatoon’s motion controls?

Konami owns the IP, sure, but Kojima made Metal Gear what it is. Without him, the series would consist of a mediocre MSX shooter and nothing else. He’s the one who implemented the stealth elements, the one who gave the series its memorable story, and the one who catapulted it into becoming Konami’s biggest franchise.

Your optimism is palpable. If you think that Konami is going to stop making Metal Gear games just because their one-off Zombie Survival trash fire that was doomed from the start failed then you have far too much optimism in those old bones.

Well, it’s a bit more extreme with Yakuza. The main story is a serious crime drama, but the side content is, uh...

Do you say the same thing with Uncharted doesn’t come to Xbox? No? Then fuck off.

If it was too expensive for them to share a cartridge, why would you think it would be less expensive for them to include two cartridges? If anything, that would probably be more expensive. And it’s not an issue of the 24 GB cartridges being “ready” or not; it’s just that the larger storage requirements make those

Not really. You still get a physical cartridge version of Bayonetta 2, which is arguably better since it would take up more space as a digital download. I’d prefer if both games were on the same cart, but if they had to leave one as a download, I’d rather it be Bayonetta 1.