
If I donate to a charity that claims they’re gonna give my money to the poor when they actually give it to kids with terminal cancer, that’s fraud. Same goes here. The backers donated to the project under false pretenses.

Aw, looks like someone’s cranky. Does someone need a nap?

You too.

Have fun with your novel.

Your entire argument is “Yeah, he condemmned a woman to death and manipulated her into dating him... but think about HIS feelings! Plus, she didn’t say no, so she was clearly super into it!”

1. He was woken up by an accident. She was woken up by him, intentionally. It’s almost like you didn’t see the movie.

But what they invested in is not what’s being made. Imagine you invested in a new Mexican restaurant, because you like Mexican food and the people who are running it say they’re getting help from a renowned chef. Then, suddenly, they decide to open an Indian restaurant using the money they raised for the Mexican one,

1. She was in cryosleep and was supposed to be in cryosleep for 90 more years, after which she would leave the ship. He took her out of cryosleep, which also meant she would die before she would be able to leave it.

He confined her on a spaceship for the rest of her life, with himself as her only other human contact. How is that not control?

Going high doesn’t work. The reason so many people responded so well to Trump was because he went low. It was because he called Hillary a “nasty woman,” because he called Mexicans rapists, because he bragged about molesting women. His supporters ate that shit up and asked for seconds. He said out loud what they were

So you’re blaming BottleRocket’s management for creating a situation where they needed immediate income instead of the person who denied them that income?

But it was Snyder’s fault that they didn’t get the funding when they needed it.

I wasn’t saying he was wrong to do so, but it’s a fact that him delaying the contract signing is what led BottleRocket to drop the project. It is his fault, even if he was well-intentioned.

It was his screwing around with the contract that led BottleRocket to drop the project. It’s in the video.

That’s remarkably smooth, especially when you consider the hardware. Amazing job.

Now playing

Miyamoto said that if you want, you can play with the cockpit view locked to the TV instead of the GamePad. First of all, that still implies that you’d be looking back to the Gamepad for the standard camera, but we’ll ignore that for now. If his goal was indeed that you’d only look at one screen for the entirety of

The whole idea behind the game, as Miyamoto designed it, was that you’d be looking at both screens.

They did port the original to phones a couple years back. I think a big part of the problem is licensing. Crazy Taxi uses a lot of licensed tracks, which I imagine were a nightmare to renegotiate for the mobile version. It’s also the reason it took so long for JSR to get a re-release.