I guess it’s italicized?
I guess it’s italicized?
“Grab it by the peak.”
“These people” refer to Johnson and Stein. You know. The people the video and article are about.
Jones hasn’t yet repeated Jones’ claim that Hillary Clinton is a literal demon who smells of sulphur, but there’s still time.
It’s the main idea of the game. Chess, but with randomized pieces. You can get like 3 queens and 4 bishops. It’s nuts.
You wanted to call attention to it. Which just made the error more evident.
Hey, I have a right to be upset if a hamburger is made of ham. Burgers are made of beef, dammit!
“I’ll take Whore Ads for 400.”
Howard Dean got derailed because of a weird yell.
Jesus Christ, dude, just let it go. You win, all right?
You explained your theory. I explained mine. Neither of us knows if the other is right. In all likelihood, it’s probably a combination of both theories.
Even if it’s rendering it twice, MGS3 should be no problem for this hardware. It’s a PS2 game, for Christ’s sake. The only reasons I can think of for the framerate problems are the graphical enhancements, a rushed development, or (most likely) both.
I’ve played it. It’s that bad.
I really wish the 3DS version had better performance. It runs at like 20fps max, and half the time can’t even hit that.