Obesity epidemic: Solved.
Obesity epidemic: Solved.
Headline should be, “World loses weight”
Now in my 5th year or so of using Mint to keep track of everything, I can’t imagine having more than two accounts and not keeping an eye on things. You don’t need to get crazy either. Just check once a week to make sure your bills will get paid, you have enough cash in the checking account and check nothing fishy came…
Would you look at that computer, please?! It’s gorgeous! Whomever built it is an artist
yeah, it sounds like s/he it was a bad plan. my employer just switched from one where i could just pick the direction (aggressive, moderate, conservative) to another fiduciary where I get to pick from various funds. I like having the more granular control. I agree with your assessment, while there are bad 401k plans,…
My thoughts exactly. There will always be some poor schmuck who lost it all on a wildly irresponsible investment strategy that acts as a poster boy for why we need SS.
MANY retirement funds were so heavily into ENRON
Who the hell put their entire 401(k) in Enron? I’m betting absolutely no one or less than 5 super idiots. Anyone who has responsibly invested in a broad portfolio or a broad index/target date fund has made, and will continue to make in the long term, money for retirement hand over fist.
references? care to expound?
Unmitigated disaster?
How so?
Mine hasn’t.
In fact, it’s one of the five legs of my five-legged — not three-legged — stool. And it’s my money.
Pension. Annuity. 401k. Iras. Social Security.
It’s all about your choices.
Now, should pension rules have been tougher and simpler for companies to abide by and workers rely on?…
That’s why most serious plans for fixing it involve a phased changeover to private accounts - something along the lines of "people over X keep on keeping on, people between X and Y go 50/50, and people younger than Y go full private." That provides the bridge funding (plus, in all likelihood, some rollover from the…
beermerr that statement is dangerously stupid. 401Ks are have proven to be one of the best devices for retirement savings. Discouraging people to use them, when we already have a savings problem, is extremely reckless.
This is why SS should be optional. I would much rather take that money and put it into my 401k or investment accounts and a) know the money will be there when I retire, and b) actually accrue some extra value instead of losing 25%.
This isn’t a stretch. At all. He spells it right out. Iron Fist needs to be Asian because only Asians can be martial arts masters because that’s their culture.
His character was, and is, an appropriation of Asian culture
Seriously. A white guy learning kung-fu secrets is even slightly transgressional by stereotype standards. An asian dude with mystic martial arts powers is not.
Not every character Marvel casts has to be a gay black amputee I’m so sorry.
How to avoid this dystopian future?
Boo Fucking hoo.
It doesn’t. Google Now on iOS is a pale imitation of Google Now on Android. Still far better than Siri, though. . .
Google now has been utilizing this for at least 1.5 years. Does it have an article, just wondering? If not, I think it deserves one. It can do walking, transit, cycling, or driving.