
Yep, #1 depends on grass type. This is horrible advice for Bermuda.

Except this time much of the controversy is caused by the Sanders campaign pointing fingers and whining because they lost. So, no.

You attend some shitty parties.

my man

Obesity epidemic: Solved.

MANY retirement funds were so heavily into ENRON

Who the hell put their entire 401(k) in Enron? I’m betting absolutely no one or less than 5 super idiots. Anyone who has responsibly invested in a broad portfolio or a broad index/target date fund has made, and will continue to make in the long term, money for retirement hand over fist.

I’m counting on exactly $0 coming from SS while planning for retirement. There is no clue what the Gov’t will do between now and 35 years from now when I am eligible. Any amount I actually do get will be considered a welcome bonus.

All the skimmers in the article were found in the EU...

All the skimmers in the article were found in the EU...

How to avoid this dystopian future?

Google Now will do what you describe above. At least on Android, but Google Now is also available on iPhone, just not positive if it has all of the exact same features.

So you can light your cigarettes while parked with the car off, I guess.

Wat. I bet you live in an apartment.

Uhhh a public company’s value is exactly its market cap. The public company with the highest market cap is, by definition, the most valuable public company.

Holy Bing shill batman.

My yard in NC has been so soggy the last 6+ months I have to aggressively wipe my dog’s feet for mud after she goes out that I’ll gladly let any Californian come and suck the water from my yard and take it back to the desert. You can take any water you collect from rain as well, which is literally every other day, get

Thanks! My income is ok, not great in my mind. Certainly not “high” and I’ve never inherited anything in my life, and based on the old beater car I drive and how little I go out to eat, etc etc people would probably think I was worse off than I am. But that is the key in my mind, and I think if more people read it

*30 years ago

As someone smart enough to have the facts (not opinions), I’ll help you out: It’s throttling and Legere is being intentionally dishonest. That is not transparency, no matter what other (great) things he has done for the wireless telecom industry lately.