
Everything about it reeks of a privileged girl sitting in a trendy hipster coffee shop in NYC, staring out the window at a line of cars, thinking “I know what will solve everything! Just ban cars! I don’t need a car, I walk to my vegan yogurt store! Why can’t everyone just live in NYC and not own cars!?”

Exactly. This article is the most myopic trash I’ve read all day.


Unfortunately, you are discussing this with people who don’t realize that the earth extends beyond what they can see from their penthouse apartment.

Typical Gizmodo article.

What about people that don’t live in cities? Are we going to invest in effective public transportation for towns of 500 or 1,000 people? What about actual rural areas? Or are we going to force everyone to move to cities and abandon rural areas (ya know, the places where all the food comes from?). This is seriously a

There is likewise no evidence that GMOs are less healthy than non-GMOs

This kind of statement is why eco food warriors have as bad a reputation as fox news.

I mean they also had a stash of home-made pipe bombs. If we would have taken the guns away we would probably just have a much higher body count.

really? cause that worked so well in California where the assault rifles they used were already banned? how do you think they got them? they went to a store? no they used the black market. criminals don’t follow laws people.

We should outlaw murder, terrorists, and bombs as well, that will stop this kinda thing from happening!

Now playing

Unfortunately the dumb, always speak the loudest.

Since the constitution didn’t define arms it has been argued that they meant arms that would be somewhat equal to the threat being engaged.

Why aren’t we talking about terrorism? Because it’s not. Remember, Obama just told us we were safe from ISIS.

The worst terrorist attack on american soil since 9/11 and you dipshits want to talk gun control. You are all doomed.

It’s absurd to think that terrorists are going to abideby our gun-control laws.While were at it, we should outlaw pipe bombs and IEDs, since these terrorists had several of those as well.

The trick with that is there is already significant jurisprudence the other way. Between Heller and McDonald cases have already declared the 2nd amendment an individual right.

And the militia has already been defined as every able bodied adult male. What do you think a militia is?

You want to disarm the law-abiding to change the behavior of criminals?

I think the problem with a lot of anti-gun people is they know nothing about guns. Talk to anyone that knows about guns and they will tell you how dumb the laws are. I mean seriously, in California, some guns are illegal because the brand that is stamped in metal, the color of the stock, whether or not it has a finger