
Kids now who will become adults can barely use computers never-mind find bugs for 10 grand. Articles and viewpoints like these ignore the reality of the vast majority of the iOS/android addicted and dependent youth. I have had the pleasure of walking an 18 year old though how you explore file folders to delete files

You’d think that, but I have just as many issues with people my own age and younger that have no idea what they’re doing too. It’s not just people old enough to be my parents or grandparents. People that use computers AND actually can troubleshoot their own problems are still the exception and not the rule. Nevermind

Just like to pop-in and give credit to the person who made this. It was unpretty on tumblr, and here’s a link of all the stuff she’s posted regarding weedhorse69.

Also, last week (and presumably this week looking at the Friday numbers) BvS is getting outperformed at the weekend US box office by Zootopia, which was released three weeks earlier. Worldwide total Box Office isn’t even close because China loves Zootopia, and if Zootopia continues beating BvS at the daily box office

Here’s the thing: that magical announcement that everyone is hoping for, that the Snyderverse will be canceled and DC will be completely rebooted? They can’t make it right now. There’s at least three, four more movies coming. Suicide Squad is out this year. Wonder Woman is coming. Snyder just started directing Justice

I wouldn’t take Devin Faraci seriously as a source. This is the same guy who said Daredevil was being cancelled, Benedict Cumberbatch was in Force Awakens, Jim Gordon was dead, Quicksilver will not die and Suicide Squad was being reshooted for more jokes. All of those was quickly debunked.

Comic book movies used to be thrown together mashups that no one took seriously because they didn’t have the budgets to look very good. Fantastic Four and Captain America in the 90s. Then Marvel came along and showed, hey, you can make beautiful comic book movies that look amazing, are entertaining, and make money. So

Two of the most obvious reasons for this is the decision to stick to a grimdark Nolaneque tone for the DCU and betting on a hack director like Zack Snyder to pull it off.

Very nicely done, Singer. Bill Sienkiewicz’s art straight from Dazzler #29.

Sure but take away the description, going in cold without knowing who Jackson Pollock is, it would look totally bullshit. I’m not an art expert but great art should have an effect on you without reading the little annecdote in the corner.

Makes sense that they’d spend so much time and effort on his mask, since you see it much, much more than his actual face. If they didn’t get the mask exactly right, or figure out how to make it expressive, it would have been a completely different movie.

If you’re complaining that you’ve been spoiled that Storm joins the X-Men, I’m revoking your geek card.

Makes you wonder how the actual Deadpool in-universe made all that costume by himself.

It took me waaaay too long to realize that the Incredibles was a play on the Fantastic Four....

Yeah, but I mean when going up against Apocalypse I feel like Jubilee would have about as much a chance as the kid who could change the TV channels with his eyes.
(unless they addressed the fact that she is able to detonate matter like they did in the comics)

Me and my girlfriend are huge fans of Gambit and Jubilee respectively.

It's been a rough couple months of news. Also a rough couple of years and/or decades of comics.

They simultaneously look silly, and fun. I like it, I think?

I was MOST impressed with how they handled that mask! It’s an issue with fully-masked costumes like Deadpool and Spider-Man, and I actually thought Deadpool’s mask worked better than the Spider-Man movies we’ve gotten up to now.

Wow. That’s LOTR level of dedication to get it right... and makes it really hard to accept bad costumes in the future.

Executive Producer Wendy Mericle teases plenty of death in the season finale