That theme is defitnly the best thing about BvS.
That theme is defitnly the best thing about BvS.
I try to find the bright points in any movie I watch, and have defended the DCCU a few times (I actually enjoyed Man of Steel overall, which I know is not a popular opinion).
I’m hoping the directors cut fixes some of this adding plot that was clearly edited out in the theatrical release, though it won’t fix other issues like the fact Snyder and the script writers blew their load too early with what happened to Superman at the end. That should’ve been saved for a Superman film after JL.
Actually, the best part is when Doomsday knocks her down and she flashes a little smile before gettin’ all up in his ass!
That’s kind of a problem with BvS, it has good scenes shoved into a bad story with bad dialogue and go absolutely nowhere. Take the scene where Crazy Steve looks at Robin’s mutilated costume as an example, it’s a powerful scene that’s never brought up again and doesn’t justify Bruce’s erratic change into a homicidal…
Honestly, I thought his work in FF, Scott Pilgrim and especially the Losers was/is pretty underrated — the very worst, it’s highly entertaining and shows a great sense of humor for a guy who looks like that.
After his turns in Fantastic Four, The Losers and Scott Pilgrim (plus the animated TMNT) I think Evans really found his perfect comic book adaptation in Captain America.
I know in the comic books that the shield gets passed off.
Considering the places we have found life surviving on our planet, i would have to say that it is completely conceivable that life exists on Titan.
Apparently, one of the Doctor Strange screenwriters gave a different reason for why they changed the Ancient One: they didn’t want to piss off Chinese audiences. Because the Ancient One is supposed to be Tibetan and China doesn’t recognize the existence of Tibet.
The real reason was revealed by Robert Cargill over on Double Toasted...
Since Marvel announced that Tilda Swinton would play the role of Dr. Strange’s spiritual master the Ancient One,…
I do think that closed captioning would be completely useless to Daredevil, given the whole blind thing.
I don’t know about now, but back in the day his official power level was around 10 tons (I think it actually got upgraded at some point). But movie heroes are always about 1/10 as strong as their comic versions, so 8x might be about right.
People forget that Spider-Man is super strong, like, able to lift 20 tons strong.
There are actually people complaining about Spider-Man being quippy, and I’m not sure I want to live in this world anymore.
I think “early days of the internet” is referring to the early days of what can be recognized as a form of what the internet is today, not a form that functions as its origin.
Great article. But it’s been marked as using “too much research.” Please make your changes and submit again.
2001 internet was a very different place, before Web 2.0, the dominance of Google as a search engine and even early social media. Comparing ARPANET to the 2001 internet is about as useful as comparing a Model T to a 67 Mustang.
I should probably be looking for the answer to my question on the original paper, but I’ll try it here anyways: did they study the community of the Anglophone Wikipedia, or all of the Wikipedia languages? Is it possible that this tendency towards oligarchy could have different paths on, say, French, or Japanese, or…