
I still don’t understand how they think that EPA regulations are the things making cars more expensive. If anything safety has had a much larger impact.

Now playing

This thread is worthless without LOUD NOISES!

Alanis, I really think the “blah” you talk about is entirely in the mind of the beholder. Cadillac’s cars aren’t just decent, they are really good. Jalopnik, for example, agreed with the rest of the auto media that the ATS was as good as the 3 series. And they look really good (yes, that’s subjective, of course, but

Maybe this is a reflection on me, but I was being genuine. I’m not trolling! I honestly think that Silver Shadow would be great for this guy. Is it really that crazy?

I get what you’re saying, but I’m pretty sold on this engine tower concept I’ve got going.

For about five minutes of my life I loved nothing more than the ME412.

There’s something missing here, but I just can’t put my foot finger on it..

*whisper* vroom vroom I’m a mid-engined Corvette


Official Surveillance footage.

I’ve always wondered. This has literally been a life changing article for me.

Oh my god I cannot un-see the e46 headlights!