Modern Dog

Stargate: Atlantis.

Me too! And I loved FX's placement of it right there, so there were actually a couple of seconds where I thought "Wait, is that it? Are they ending it like THAT?"

The episode was an hour and 30 minutes long. There were two moments that could have been considered … false endings, the first where FX promoted a new series (Atlanta?) with a surreal little commentary on the O.J. trial verdict, and the scene with the Goldmans in their car, with the daughter asking "What do we do

Were there more commercial breaks than usual tonight? It felt as thought there were two REALLY LONG breaks during the first 15 or 20 minutes of the episode that were just maddening.

YES. Thank you; all I could really remember was that it was written on a sign of some kind.

I caught just a glimpse of it. It was … written on something? In the diner?

Upvoted because that is so terrible it made me laugh out loud for real.

// Has immediate mental image of trying to watch the rest of the season on Salvador Dalí melty televisions //

Upvoted (and if only I could upvote more than once) for this wonderfully surreal confluence of Penny Dreadful and Hot Fuzz. The gods of crossovers bless you, SG Standard! Timothy Dalton was never more smarmily glorious.

That was my first thought — that Sherlock had killed him. I mean, there seemed to be an awful lot of stomping (on what I assumed was Oscar's head) going on there.

I thought they showed the Golden Retriever when they showed Holmes and Watson visiting the home of the USDA guy who'd had the heart attack and was in a wheelchair. I only noticed because I wondered out loud (to Mister Modern Dog) if that was one of the writer's dogs.

I seriously doubt that any of the American colonies circa 1781 would have been a good place for Abbie to be. My only point was that Sleepy Hollow is not in Massachusetts.


Not sure that Massachusetts has anything to do with it, since Sleepy Hollow is in New York.

Ah, I see! My error, PianoInBush! I read your comment as referring to Jonny Lee Miller, not the character, thus (mistakenly) making the question did JLM consider the US his home. My sincere apologies for muddying the waters, as it were. :)

Someone may want to inform CBS, then …

He tweeted on November 4th that he had become an American citizen.

Isaac Asimov … you know, I don't know why, but I wasn't expecting that. Interesting! Adding it to my To Read list. Thanks, Alasdair!

Okay, you can't just put that out there without naming the novel! What is it?
