
I love this show's ability to create a dozen unique, eye catching characters and annihilate them all within the course of a single episode.

Not "especially racist or bullying." Now there's a standard of excellence if I ever heard one.

I'm so very grateful I got the chance to live in this world, however temporarily. The character stuff is really what makes the show great, but all of auxiliary things; the ciphers, the call-backs, the careful, meticulous plotting, the-blink-and-you'll-miss-it clues tucked lovingly into the backgrounds…it's really

I was feeling pretty good, until "All I Do Is Win" started playing. Good grief.

That panicked feeling when you've neglected something you should have done ages ago because you are having trouble even getting up, that is a feeling I can relate to. It actually hit a little too close, truth be told.

This, right here. This made me laugh very loudly.

I feel really bad saying it, but I cannot get through the Holy Mackerel videos. The guy's persona is…a little forced I guess?