
PRECISELY. It's all about the mid-rise, so you aren't emphasizing or creating a FUPA, and your butt is still covered. And you aren't crushing your innards.


Yes. Perma-FUPA.

I think you are literally the only person ever to call flat butts fabulous.

Get those shits fixed! Any tailor can fix zippers.

These photos are bringing back some ugly memories for me.

Mid-waist pants forever. I don't know about you guys, but I don't like the feeling of a denim waistband digging into my liver.

Yeah, AFTER the funeral. Not during the funeral. We did the same thing with my dad, who was a captain in the Army. Solemn, proper funeral with a party after.

Military funerals are not light occasions, I promise.

Obviously, this soldier doesn't deserve death threats. However, even though there was no body in the casket and this was during training, this is so disrespectful and clearly violates the military's honor code. This would be like seeing medical students joking around a cadaver. I can't believe the number of people

Lately, I've been seeing SO MANY men wearing Lululemon gear. I can't explain the sudden surge in popularity of the men's line.

Best gif. You win.

Aside from that gold fan thing, this is a lovely apartment. Y'all are super jealous.

No problem!

These courses favor tall people over short, which I suspect is part of the reason that the men have being doing better, with fewer crashes and injuries.

That's certainly part of it. But the men haven't been crashing.

I'm talking specifically about the faith of baptized (initiated) Sikh (Amritdhari) admitted into the Khalsa. Harnaam Kaur is baptized. In addition to the five K's, the Khalsa have four prohibitions or mandatory restrictions:

Yes, it's a prohibition that is a central tenet of the faith.

I wouldn't eat anything baked in shared equipment. That's a really common source of cross-contamination. It's not worth it.