...Which is exactly what’s talked about at the very beginning of the article making your observation redundant.
...Which is exactly what’s talked about at the very beginning of the article making your observation redundant.
I don’t get how all this flak hasn’t gotten them to phase out gun sales. I mean, we can’t buy guns in Walmart here in Canada. Not since the early 90's. They don’t even sell fish anymore because of complaints. It’s like they’d get rid of their entire store’s products EXCEPT guns if somebody complained.
A lot of the things you say are not true.
For Scarlett to be 100% backwards compatible it would have to have the same architecture as the Xbox One - i.e. essentially just the same console but upgraded. It’s not unheard of (e.g. the GameCube, Wii and Wii U) but it generally doesn’t work that way - each successive console represents a leap forward in…
We get only a few big budget FPS games every year, so I’m glad that developers are really setting each franchise apart. Like how Borderlands 3 will be a zany open world FPS set in a dieselpunk wasteland with randomized loot, but Rage 2 is a zany open world FPS set in a dieselpunk wasteland without randomized loot.
“...ego (& implicit white dude self-satisfaction) ” - stopped reading there. Your additional descriptor is literally just redefining ego in a heavily racial way. Its astounding how you, and so many others, feel the need to add race into aspects/characteristics that are universal to all people. Get your head out of…
Absolutely correct. I knew a guy,met while contracting in Afghanistan and recall a conversation where I was along the lines of “Yeah this sucks but looking forward to the stacks of money that will be waiting once back home.” He replied he wasn’t saving anything and would have to be there for another 2 years.
hot take: senua had super weak game play, and was one of the most self-indulgent games i played in 2017.
Is this in line with the Smite brand, or is someone getting fired?