

gosh, you sound intelligent and pleasant to converse with.

this is just... gross. it's hamhanded backpedalling justification, it's disingenuous, it's a deliberate underhanded appeal to some people's worser instincts.

i want a shower.

You lose credibly

incorrect in several senses.

I have to say that while I've never seen this happen, I've heard about it from enough varying sources that it's apparently pretty common. I feel like it would be perfectly reasonable for the surrounding customers to correct such an offender, because obviously the poor checkout person can't - and if you don't correct

I'm only 38 myself, but I sure-to-god hope that's my life when I get there. ^_^


i've been going in there and turning crosses upside down for ten years now.

i'd be more impressed if this accomplished anything - like "michael's is cheaper" or "don't work here", or maybe just a succinct"hypocrisy".

if it catches on, it might make a fun tumblr.

that sounds like something an NPD sociopath would do, yeah.

*adds "tongue in chic" to list of potential extremely-stupid-pun blog post titles*