
Actually, I just saw your other responses so sorry about that. And um, I guess I see your point but I don't know, lots of people have pen names for varying reasons. Her pen name could really be analyzed in many different ways.

I mean, when she was an unknown writing alongside big names and the famous feminists of her

I explained my POV down below.

Yes. Exactly! I feel like people just couldn't see beyond the liberal, pop-feminist critique of Beyonce that has been dominating the web for months.

Like I said, I think the defense of her against bell hooks' critiques is misplaced. It's becoming a knee jerk reaction to defend Beyonce's feminism. Most likely because

I mean, I think the protection and defense of Beyonce when hooks' comment came out was misplaced. When people accuse Beyonce of not being "feminist enough" due to underlying anti-black sentiments- where WOC must go above and beyond to even have the space to claim a feminist identity: defend Beyonce with all your

Err, what? So bell hooks has been writing for decades but she makes a critique of Beyonce and all of a sudden pen names are narcissistic and trollish? Is e e cummings a narcissist too? Good Lord.

If this doesn't make you understand bell hooks' criticism of Beyonce a little better- then just admit you're drinking the kool aid wholesale.

Oh so you have empathy when it comes to fat people but you think it's okay to make fun of people for having a history of domestic violence victims? FAKE.

I agree. Lily is totally lying. The role is NOT a cameo. It's a legit role that involves prolonged commitment and well....ACTING SKILLS.


I feel like Lily Allen is lying. Does she even act? The role of Theon's sister is more than just a cameo getting felt up on a horse.

btw, taking note of your user name. Let me see you say anything against DV or something about feminism. I'm going to remind you you're the type of person who thinks it funny to insult people based on their history of being domestic violence victims.

So your best response to that is to shit all over her for being a victim of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE? That's your first go-to response? And you think it's justified?

Yeah, you're a shithead. No question about it. And half of the jezzies on here are fake and racist af. Yeah I'm bringing race into it. Apparently only when black

Really? People on Jezebel co-signing domestic violence jokes? Because Rihanna posted a picture with a sad face.


Well, shit. Miley concerts sound awesome. Her babbling unintelligibly about big dicks and shitting all over ex boyfriends (who are NOT her most recent ex). Count me in please. No sarcasm. I'm legitimately into this.

Beyoncé praying.

Well, she always seemed to be more on the radical side to me, especially when it comes to completely demolishing capitalist and racist superstructures. I see that side of her coming out in this critique of Beyonce.

There are different levels of critique and she chose to go with the most radical level, for some reason.


I don't think exploring feminism within the framework of pop-culture is worthless or anything. All of us, to an extent, have to negotiate trying to be successful in this world while also attempting to dismantle oppressive structures. Much like our "feminist" pop culture icons.

It's just pretty clear to me that bell

Hooks is about radical feminist action that dismantles a white supremacist patriarchal capitalist structure.

Beyonce is successful because she has manuevers in and upholds a white supremacist patriarchal capitalist structure.

There's no math here.

Hooks has no time for pop-culture feminism. No time for games. She is

yuck @ yo phuckin life peasant.

Badgalriri's page was Instagram at it's peak level.

It was an idealized model of how the web app can/should be used.

Let us not forget it was Rihanna who started the celeb-instagram trend.

Rihanna was the first big celeb to use the app so candidly. In the early days, her account alone created a LOT of buzz for the app.

Sorry, Kim is a grown ass woman. She's had SEVERAL relationships with different black men. And through-out it all she's chosen to stay ignorant.

She doesn't get a pat on the back for recognizing racism only after she's been called a "nigger lover" for having a bi—racial baby.

I'm glad she finally woke up but I'm not