
North is such a precious little thing. I just want to protect from her parent's ignorance.

And Kim just revealed she's not even a Kanye West fan. lol

Exactly. You meant to tell me the LOVE OF HER life has literally built his career on speaking out against racism and discrimination but she has never given it a thought? A. single. thought.

It took her getting called a "nigger lover" a dozen times for her to even consider racism may be a thing?

Like, how vapid can you

"To be honest, before I had North, I never really gave racism or discrimination a lot of thought"

What does Kanye see in her? Like, what do they talk about?

Lets be real, ole girl is shaped like a juice box.

It's not my preferred aesthetic tbh. But if many think she's attractive, they're entitled to do so. Clearly she's catering to *someone's* aesthetic since she's a popular, mainstream supermodel and getting paid. I'm glad for her. Do you, girl.

Before I get ass reemed

You already see one running up in my notifications talking about 'bout Miley this, Miley that. But we all know they got selectively high standards for female sexual expression. The Duke Porn star is a-okay, but my girl Riri can't bend over in a photo with some sexy tan lines?

Oh u mad, huh? It's not that seri...*drops iphone*

Right? The selective pearl clutching of Jezzies is tres annoying. All of sudden overt female sexuality is trashy. Especially coming from one of the hottest, most sexually confident female celebs alive.

I bet if she were a white gir.....*loses internet connection*

Grosses you out? I'm inspired by it.

On a site that's FOUNDED on booty pics and bikini shots I find banning nipples atrocious.

For the sake of my own ego as a little sister and based on my observations, it definitely may be due to nurture. The eldest got first access to parents' time and resources. Everyone knows younger siblings get the hand-me-downs and the left overs of energy and attention that a first born sucked out in the very first

Well, I agree. But unfortunately they're the most noticeable because they actually have their own formal organizations and agendas/goals.

When did I say people "need" their religion?

I'm saying the idea that people must be ~educated~ out of their religion because it's an" evil" force is stupid and neo-colonial.

Dogmatic beliefs that contribute social and political oppression sucks.
But as I said, the reason this tends to be a problem in developing

So it's a fanfic of a fanfic.

Do you see how one evil leads to another. Stephanie Meyer look at what you did.

Not believing in God is a perfectly reasonable stance,imo. You look around. You see no God. You deduce none exists. Good for you.

The only problem I have with some atheists is the neo-colonial, paternalistic attitude I see springing up. Particularly with the passionate anti-theist types.

Can some of you guys stop with

True. I'm pretty sure she'd be without the botox. Was just having a brain fart out loud.

White girls looking ~bad a$$~ in the vicinity of all black people is kind of a played out trope. You might want to rethink it before you do it again. That's all people are saying.

Someone thinking your video is racist is not an attack on your humanity. Calm the fuck down.

No need to go count all the ways in which you

"I imagine shit is more awkward now since Kanye was all "I'm gonna make KK bigger than Beyonce" or whatever (lolz)."

That was actually fake. Didn't happen.

My main question while reading this: If BEYONCE needs botox and she's still so young, does that mean I will need botox at her age?