Not really a fan of all the meters and widgets on my desktop (because I'm barely viewing it and letting them run in the background is waste of memory, which I cannot afford) but I really, really love the wallpaper and it's extremely minimalist feel!
Not really a fan of all the meters and widgets on my desktop (because I'm barely viewing it and letting them run in the background is waste of memory, which I cannot afford) but I really, really love the wallpaper and it's extremely minimalist feel!
I'd sell my soul to skull kid for a US N3DS (or maybe Kyubei)
First time to join here... I like it simple (I guess). Majora's Mask vector from…
Talk about creepy weird. I've never though about pokemon being made as food. I guess the thought never came up to mind because the games never even mentioned it even once (except maybe for the Miltanks producing milk). I think it'd be nice for Game Freak to add this sort of element to the next game, just to give it a…
Right now, I could care less which console it comes out or even if it comes out on a portable (3DS please, so I won't have to buy a Vita), but Konami, release Suikoden VI!
I dunno if anyone has noticed, but the guy who wrote that article (Kyle Hill) is really hot. I'd choose him over any pokeman starter (or any other pokeman for that matter) anytime! :">
I've been playing their Ys games on the PSP too, and translation is just as great as before! Thanks for bringing over Rune Factory 4! :)
Thank you so much for this! It's too bad that the job that I had that would really benefit from this is already over, but you never know when this might come handy!
Well, given that the inanimate pokemon have appeared in the earlier games, they at least had some roots, ie:
Stopping that poor kid from crying... Playing with the feelings of others... making your kids do things according to your will... - this is all just a game to you, isn't it?
MEGA Machamp