Honesty, I watched it and although I didn't enjoy it, it seems like satire of everyone else's shitty videos.
Honesty, I watched it and although I didn't enjoy it, it seems like satire of everyone else's shitty videos.
I have one of these and I never had a problem with leakage. I did have problems with Honda charging 300% markup on a hitachi part that they stamp and call Honda OEM (ignition coils). Also, you can hear the gas moving around in the tank and it is disconcerting if you don't know what it is. Otherwise, fun little POS…
Way too many kids or spending your enlistment bonus on a new truck which you will own for a month before selling it at a huge loss when you ship out and can't bring it with you.
Exchanges are cheap and tax free.
The boy scouts said it best with "Always be prepared!"
That is a silly term. Especially because if you stay awake, your vigilance decreases to almost the point of uselessness. That is why I yell "always be prepared at strangers." Just so they know to be prepared.
What does "Stay Woke" mean?
Thanks dicks. I have been trying to get a cheap one for the past year. I don't need people knowing about it.
The thing is, if she was just horrible, not racist, no one would care because bad drivers deserve to be berated. They don't deserve to be berated for their race. There are a ton of fun horrible things to call a person that doesn't sound racist.
Except, they don't want these people to exist. I am hoping it can be brought out into the light so they can receive treatment. Since we have determined orientation is a product of birth, I am not particularly sure how wrong I am. I assume no one (who hasn't been molested) ends up as a pedo as a choice. So if we can…
Someone with not compassion for a non-offending person probably has equally little compassion for other people.
I agree. That is why I said the orientation is dangerous. It still exists in the same sphere of "being born with this attraction." That means, non-offending members should be lauded and helped, not pitched into a volcano.
Nope. If you can be born gay or straight, you can be born attracted to kids. If it was a learned trait, you could unlearn it. The difference is straight / gay orientations aren't dangerous, but in the terms of being born with an orientation, I am not conflating anything. I am stating what science and the article state…
Well, its the same as being gay and married to a woman and not cheating. You will never be intimate with a person you are attracted to. Except if you are gay, you can get a divorce and head to San Fransisco and meet Mr. Right. You can't under any circumstances touch children.
You'll have about as much luck as curing "gay." It isn't a sickness, its a proclivity. One, that apparently with therapy and support can be managed. They don't have a choice in being this way. Their only choice in not offending or offending.
Do you want to throw gays and straights in a volcano too? In terms of being born with an orientation, its the same. Unfortunately, this orientation is dangerous to children.
Sorry to hear about your trouble, but non-offending pedophiles getting treatment means less kids are likely to go through what you went though.
Who is the King of Iraq and is he doing anything to stop the trouble there?
Why would they need EMS when someone is dead?